#0-1-3 Thumbnail window

In the thumbnail window, you prepare to link photos on the edit window. The thumbnail window shows thumbnails of imported images and photos. Dragging a thumbnail icon moves it to anywhere you like on the thumbnail window.

Clicking [up] at the upper left of the thumbnail window maximizes the thumbnail window.
Clicking [down] at the upper left of the thumbnail window restores the normal thumbnail window size.

(View of the normal thumbnail window)

(View of the maximized thumbnail window)

Right-clicking a photo in the thumbnail window shows its context menu, which lists the following function items.

Set this photo to the root
Start PhotoBrowser

Input texts
Rotate this photo clockwise by 90 degrees

Remove this photo

Remove the link of this photo

Clicking or double-clicking a photo in the thumbnail window displays it in a larger view on the edit window.
If you set a link between photos in the edit window, a line will be drawn between their thumbnails to link those photos. Moving a thumbnail stretches or shortens the line to follow the movement.

#Related page

1-3 Edit window

Tips for you
When there is no thumbnail in the thumbnail window, the context menu will not be shown.
The menu item 'Remove this photo' removes the corresponding thumbnail icon, while it does not remove its real file.

#Related page

1-2-3-5 Context menu: Remove this photo

#Going up

0-1 Sections of the PhotoWalker window

Go to the manual TOP