#1-2-2 Move thumbnails

In the thumbnail window, 6 thumbnails are shown per line, as shown below.

Move these thumbnails to prepare to link two photos in the edit window. To move the thumbnails, drag them with the mouse left button. Getting similar photos close in the thumbnail window enables you to easily set a link between those photos. After you complete classifying the photos, proceed to set a link between two photos.

Tips for you

When several thumbnails are overlapping, clicking one of them sets it to the top of layers.
Clicking the frame of the thumbnail window maximizes the window. Since you can view more thumbnails at a time, the operation on the thumbnail window will become more efficient.

Tips for you

The horizontal size of the thumbnail window is not limited. The maximum vertical size is the one in which all of imported thumbnails are displayed.
When you arrange photos, you may use margins on the left or right.

#Going up

1-2 Thumbnail window

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