#1-3-2ĦĦExtended link

PhotoWalker provides, as well as the 4-point link, the extended link technique to set a link between two photos. Right-clicking a photo in the edit window opens the context menu, which lists the extended link menu items. Extended links represent spatial movements based on simple link patterns, although you may set a link between two photos more easily than the 4-point link, because all you need to do is selecting a menu.

Use extended links to represent movements such as 'looking back' or 'turning over pages', which are difficult to represent with the 4-point link.
The context menu lists the following menu items.

Remove link

Backward <=> Forward
Front <=> Back

Look left <=> Look right
Look down <=> Look up

Move left <=> Move right
Move down <=> Move up

Bind the left edge
Bind the right edge
Bind the top edge
Bind the bottom edge

#Related page

2-0 Tips on arranging photos

#Going up

1-3 Edit window

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