#1-6-2 Notes on publication

[Publish] collects necessary files in a folder, in which the following files are automatically created:

- photowalker.html
- photowalker.dcr
- images folder

Upload all of these files to the server by using FTP or similar functions. The created data consists of multiple photo files and one hpp file (multiple hpml files). Do not miss any of the necessary files upon transfer. In that event, also pay attention to the file names so that uploading files does not change their names or capital/small letters.

When you open the following file on a usual Web browser, you can browse the uploaded data. Note that, to browse the data, Shockwave Player is necessary.

http://---(URL of your files uploaded)---/photowalker.html

You may rename photowalker.html, although do not rename other files or folders.


To PhotoWalker contents on the Web, the warning message is displayed: 'Please complete user registration for the commercial or service use.' If you publish your work for commercial or official purposes, you are required to pay the registration fee. In that event, please e-mail us at:


Once you get registered, the message will no longer be displayed. The registration fee will be used for upgrading PhotoWalker and managing user support.

If you publish your work for your personal purposes only, you do not need to care about the warning message.


#Related page

1-6-1 Publish

#Going up

1-6 Export

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