#2-0-7 Consider branches

At a branch point on the path of browsing, viewers freely select which path they go. On the viewers point of view, the more there are branches on the path, the more browsing will be interesting.

In contrast, if you have an intention to show a story through a sequence of photos, you need not set any branch to the path.

A sequence of photos without any branch gives a similar effect of a movie to viewers; and the path with a lot of branches is similar to a maze. Set branches effectively for any purpose.

There is no clear suggestion for the number of branches. If we try to give you one, it might be website (home page) designs. When you design a home page, you would take much time to decide how many links are set in a page. To answer this in some way, you might collect up links into a page or keep rhythm upon browsing. Consider branches to fulfill your purposes.

#Sample of branching

#Going up

2-0 Tips on arranging photos

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