#Start and exit

#How to start

Double-clicking the corresponding icon starts PhotoWalker or PhotoBrowser.

PhotoWalker icon (Double-clicking this icon starts PhotoWalker.)

PhotoBrowser icon (Double-clicking this icon starts PhotoBrowser.)

#How to exit

To exit from PhotoWalker or PhotoBrowser, select [Exit] at the bottom of the menu bar or click [X} on the right end of the title bar. In that event, the application does not ask you to save data. To protect edited data, save it on your own account before exiting from the application.

Tips for you

Pressing [Alt]+[F4] keys also exits from PhotoWalker or PhotoBrowser.

#Related page

1-4 Save

#Very first activation and registration of extension (* This operation is optional.)

You may start PhotoWalker/PhotoBrowser by double-clicking a data file. To enable it, set the link between data files and the applications with the following measure.

How to link data with application (on Windows):

When you double-click an hpp file, a dialog box opens to inform you that 'Windows cannot open this file.' On this dialog box, select the radio button of 'Select the program from a list.' Clicking [OK] opens the Open With dialog box. On this dialog box, click [Browse...] and select PhotoWalker.exe. Clicking [OK] registers PhotoWalker for hpp file.

From the next time, double-clicking an hpp file starts PhotoWalker with reading the file.

In the same manner, set the link between data files and PhotoBrowser.

Tips for you

PhotoWalker creates two types of files: hpp and hpml.
An hpp file is linked with both PhotoWalker and PhotoBrowser; while an hpml file is linked with PhotoBrowser only.

#Related page

1-4-0 Data type and format for saving

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