The goal of Takefuji Lab. projects is to achieve the research result in a short
period of time.  The research result has been demonstrated by presenting the com
mercial products, presentations in international conferences, publications in re
fereed journals and in books/magazines.

The followings are representative products: the artifical retina camera of Mitsu
bishi, Pocket camera for Nintendo gameboys, color camera in J-phone mobile phone
s, community-web internet terminal for complex apartments (Tokyu-community), tan
gible mouse (FujiXerox), authentication mouse (FujiXerox), e-paper (FujiXerox),
driverware applications (SciencePark), VoIP phone (JVC), JR-east power generation 
floor, transverse-wave speaker (650 units used in seoul metro line 2), 
currency validator BV6000(toyocom), ...

Published books are at:

Published refereed journal papers and commercial articles are at:

The followings are on-going projects:

*Machine learning and Neural Computing Project
 Optimization, image processing, feature extractions, big data analysis, machine learning using artificial intelligence.
Ikuya Yamada, H. Takeda, Y. Takefuji,"An end-to-end entity linking approach for tweets," NEEL2015, 2015

*Machine Learning and automated reasoning Project for social innovation:
Ensemble machine learning can bring us social innovation
where data can automatically build the optimal model instead of human-built models. 
Automated reasoning will play a key role for social innovation.
*Low Power Wide Area Network(LPWAN) project for social innovation:
LPWAN including Sigfox can innovate our society.

*Internet gadgets (IoT) Project
Flash-microcontrollers, FPGA, and embedded systems with sensors are mainly used in this project.
We are working on USB/uIP/microSD IoT devices using open source protocol stacks.
ultra-low cost IoT design: open source protocol stacks
(uIP/USB/microSD) (ohmsha 2008)
(Xbee/iPhone) (kindaikagaku 2010)
(android/bluetooth/cloud) (kindaikagaku 2013)
(Introdution to IoT design) (Ohmsha 2015)

*Security Project
 We have been working with Tripwire, SOK, SignaCert, 
 SciencePark,  and i-cynap for possible commercial products.
 We have been supporting several ODA projects for security and IT for Jordan, Vi
etnam, Philippines, Thailand, ans SriLanka government.

*Wireless LAN/WAN Project
We have incubated the first wireless industry in Japan.

*Powerline Communication Project
 We have been working with Moritani and T-NS for 200Mbps devices
 for commercial applications.

*Driverware Project
 We have been working with SciencePark for commercial products.
*Instructional Design Project
 We have been studying/researching on instructional design.

*Power harvesting Project with JR-east, sciencepark, and zenta
We have been developing power harvesting devices including floor mats 
for passengers to generate electricity which have been installed 
in Vissel Kobe stadium.  Thermoelectric power generator is installed 
in Atami hot spring.  GPSs is used in all freight trains in JR-east.

*650 Units of Transverse wave speakers are installed in Seoul metro line 2.  

*Human body communication is involved with Kaiser tech.  

The highlight of our projects is supported by major companies and aggresive companies.  
The main project goal is to incubate the new industry.
We will develop the world first magma power plant.

*automated application generation for e-government
System can automatically generate application programs by
given specifications with sensing the target environment.
In this project, automated application generation tool is verified and 
e-government officers are trained to learn the tool.

*rehabilitation and dyslexia support project

list of books

list of articles