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The academic world needs to be open-minded and free so that the social sciences relating to women are encouraged and extended to keep pace with other studies. A systematic and thorough analysis of the status, role, and social standing of women at all levels, whether economic, social , or political, is essential.
It is the direct responsibility of educational institution to acquire knowledge and expertise in women's studies and to disseminate them to the community. The development of such insights is a continuing process.
Women's studies have received incresing attention in the last decades since the United Nations first designed 1975 as International Women's Year, with the objective of promoting equality between men and women and encouraging women's participaiton in the development and maintenace of world peace. The years between 1975 and 1985 were also declared the United Nations Decade for Women. Member States were requested to set up national machinaries for the advancement of women. The Thai Government Plan (1982-1986) by desgining women a special target group. It was recoginzed that women's economic, social and political roles and capabilities needed to be urgently developped.
Even though the United Nations Decade for Women has ended , this does not mean that women's studies should cease. It is an important task for any government to develop the country, a process in which women have a signficant role. In development it is necessary to consider global conditions relating cooperation in the exchange and discussion of women's issues, particularly in the ASEAN region.
The Faculty of Social Sciences of Changmai University established a Women's Studies Program in 1986. In August 1993 as set forth in the Seventh National Plan on Economic and Social Development(1992-1996), the Women's Studies Center, Faculty of Social Sciences, was officially established to encourage the study, reserach, and collection of information relating to women's issues, with special emphasis on northern Thailand. The Center also coordinates with other governmental and non-governmental organizations in working towards the developments of women. The resilting achievements are meant to be disseminated for the benefit of the community.
To encourage the study, research, and collection of information relating to women's issues;
To establish a source of data and infomationabout women;
To create an ongoing axademic exchange on women's issues;
To create a liaison with other governmental and non-governmental organizations in working towards the development of women;
To encourage local capacity-building with women.
To develop a theoretical framework for the analysis of the root causes, forms, and dimentions of women's subordination and expolitation in developping and developped society;
To promote a critical evaluation of existing development strategies at national and international levels in terms of thier effects upon women and searce for alternative methods, policies, and strategies;
To document and analyze women's organizations and struggles against women's subordination, particulaly in developping countries;
To identfy and overcome any inherent androcentic and eurocentric in existing social science theory;
To improve methodologies for integrating theory and practice in both research and teaching in women's studies.
To pursue studies and research into women's problems;
To expand the Center to collect information and endertale documentary work relating to women, especially those in northern thailand;
To disseminate information and reserch findings by various means, such as the provision of training, dissemination of documents and articles, and publicity theough the mass media, exhibitions, and other media;
To create forums for academic exchanges of views between academics and organizations, such as symposia, discussions and lectures;
To develop women's grass-roots programmes.
please contact:
Ms. Chittraporn Chotiptmai Programm Coordinator Women's Studies Center(WSC) tel: +66-53-221699 Ext.3572,3593 Faculty of Social Sciences fax: +66-53-219245 Changmai University Changmai 50200 THAILAND