$BN,Nr=q!J(BCarriculum Vitae$B!K(B

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$B7DXf5A=NBg3X(B $BAm9g@/:v3XIt(B

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	1992$BG/(B	$B%7%+%4Bg3X7P1DBg3X1!$K$F(BPh.D.$BD!"0eNE@/:v(B

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	"Determinants of the quality of  group decisions and
         the effect of the Consensual Conflict Resolution
         intervention technique."
                Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings  (1992).
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	"The effects of argument preparation and timing of first offer
         on negotiator cognitions and performance."
                Group Decision and Negotiation. (with Mannix, A. E.)  (1993).$B!!(B
	"The quality of group decisions, group verbal behavior,
         and intervention."
                Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.  (1994) 


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