Toward a healthy society where everyone can fulfill their potential
He specializes in health economics and social epidemiology. He worked for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, mainly in the planning and formulation of social security policies. Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido in 1986.
Japan has the fastest aging population in the world. I have conducted a large cohort study of Japanese older adults to identify social determinants of health. Based on my expertise as a policy maker for medical insurance and long-term care insurance, I have made specific policy recommendations for the social security system.
Since workers spend most of their day at work, the workplace is an ideal place for health promotion. Through joint research with several companies and health insurance societies, I have provided advice and verified the effectiveness of health promotion programs. I also offer health and productivity management proposals.
Children grow up influenced by a variety of people and environments, including not only their parents, but also relatives, preschool and kindergarten teachers, and friends. I study the impact of the social environment on children's development, including the quality of childcare and the COVID-19 epidemic. I also investigate how childhood experiences affect children throughout the life course.
When we say, "X (exposure) increases the risk of Y (disease)," it is important to clarify whether there really is a causal relationship between X and Y. If it is just a correlation, then removing X will not reduce the risk of Y. I am conducting research to find the true causal relationship between X and Y using causal inference and machine learning methods.
The objective of my seminar is to acquire the skills and knowledge to quantitatively analyze various issues in the society using applied microeconometric methods and the statistical software R. Themes are "free" and include economic, social, medical, educational, and policy issues. Students are expected to work toward empirical research that can be publishable in the form of a thesis.
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