# SPIM S20 MIPS simulator. # simple array multiplication routine. # $Header: $ .data saved_ret_pc: .word 0 # Holds PC to return from main m3: .asciiz "The next few lines should contain exception error messages\n" m4: .asciiz "Done with exceptions\n\n" m5: .asciiz "Expect an address error exception:\n " m6: .asciiz "Expect two address error exceptions:\n" # here's our array data, two args and a result .data array1: .float 3.14159265, 2.71828183, 1.0, -0.10 array2: .float 2.71828183, 1.0, 3.14159265, 1.0 array3: .float 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 .text .globl main main: sw $31 saved_ret_pc .data lb_: .asciiz "Vector Addition\n" lbd_: .byte 1, -1, 0, 128 lbd1_: .word 0x76543210, 0xfedcba98 .text li $v0 4 # syscall 4 (print_str) la $a0 lb_ syscall # main program: add array1 & array2, store in array3 # first, the setup addi $t0 4 # loop counter la $t1 array1 la $t2 array2 la $t3 array3 ladd: lwc1 $f0 0($t1) lwc1 $f1 0($t2) nop add.s $f2 $f1 $f0 nop swc1 $f2 0($t3) addi $t0 $t0 -1 addi $t1 $t1 4 addi $t2 $t2 4 addi $t3 $t3 4 bne $t0 $0 ladd # Done adding... .data sm: .asciiz "Done adding\n" .text li $v0 4 # syscall 4 (print_str) la $a0 sm syscall # see the list of syscalls at e.g. # http://www.inf.pucrs.br/~eduardob/disciplinas/arqi/mips/spim/syscall_codes.html la $a1 array3 addi $t0 $0 4 ploop: lwc1 $f12 0($a1) li $v0 2 # syscall 2 (print_float) syscall .data sm2: .asciiz "\n" .text li $v0 4 # syscall 4 (print_str) la $a0 sm2 syscall addi $t0 $t0 -1 addi $a1 $a1 4 bne $t0 $0 ploop # Done with the program! lw $31 saved_ret_pc jr $31 # Return from main