2010年度 秋学期

Computer Architecture

2010年度秋学期 火曜日3時限
科目コード: 35010 / 2単位
担当: Rodney Van Meter
E-mail: rdv@sfc.keio.ac.jp

第8回 11月25日
Lecture 8, November 25: Memory: Caching and Memory Hierarchy

Outline of This Lecture

Finishing up Pipelining

Last time, we did pipelining, but we're not done with it yet. The most important things: pipeline hazards. Sometimes conflicts occur between the different stages of the pipeline. Such as condition is called a pipeline hazard. There are three types of hazards:

Hazards result in pipeline stalls or pipeline bubbles.


Top fuel drag racer (from
The five-stage pipeline we discussed last week is far from the only way to divide the work in a pipeline. The Intel Prescott microprocessor (which went into production in Feb. 2004) had a thirty stage pipeline! Filling that pipeline takes some serious time, so every branch is a problem.

Review: Processor Performance Equation

In the first lecture we saw the processor performance equation:

CPU time = (seconds )/ program = (Instructions )/ program × (Clock cycles )/ Instruction × (Seconds )/ Clock cycle
All three terms are actually interdependent. We know that the last term in that equation is the inverse of clock speed, and that clock speed goes up as you deepen the pipeline (assuming a good pipeline design). The first term depends on the instruction set design; after the last three lectures, you should have a better feel for what that involves, but it will rarely vary by more than a factor of two or so between architectures. The interesting term for this lecture is the middle one: what is the average clock cycles per instruction, or CPI?

Principle of Caching

Cache: a safe place for hiding or storing things.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition (1976)
A cache, in computer terms, is usually a "nearby" place where a copy of "far away" data is kept. This caching behavior is done for a fundamental reason: performance. There are many common types of caches:

In this lecture, we are primarily concerned with the last of these.

Fig. 5.1 from H-P,
						 memory levels in a

Fig. 5.2 from H-P,
						 performance gap

This is the point where I admit that last week I told a white lie: in the MEM stage of the pipeline, results came back from memory in one clock cycle. In reality, they don't. We need to discuss cache hits and cache misses, hit time and miss penalty.

With those values, we can determine the actual average CPI and expected execution time for a program.

Basic Fixed-Block Size Cache Organizations: Four Questions

Cache Performance

Above, we alluded to the change in system performance based on memory latency. The figure above and Fig. 5.28 in the text give a hint as to the typical latencies of some important memories:

This list should make it extremely clear that a cache miss results in a very large miss penalty. The average memory access time then becomes:

Avg. memory access time = Hit time +
Miss rate × Miss penalty
Let's review the MIPS pipeline that we saw last week:

The MIPS Pipeline (Fig. A.17 in the text)
In our simple model of its performance, we assumed memory could be accessed in one clock cycle, but obviously that's not true. If the pipeline stalls here waiting on main memory, worst case, performance could drop by a factor of one hundred!

Fortunately, many processors support out of order execution, which allows other instructions to complete while a load is waiting on memory, provided that there is no data hazard.

It's obvious from that high miss penalty that cache hit rates must exceed 90%, indeed, usually are above 95%. Even a small improvement in cache hit rate can make a large improvement in system performance.

Six Basic Optimizations

Okay, Why?

So far, we have taken it as more or less given that caches are desirable. But what are the technological factors that force us to use multiple levels of memory? Why not just use the fastest type for all memory?

The principle reason is that there is a direct tradeoff between size and performance: it's always easier to look through a small number of things than a large number of things when you're looking for something. In computer chips, it's also not possible to fit all of the RAM we would like to have into the same chip with the CPU, in general-purpose systems; you likely have a couple of dozen memory chips in your laptop.

In standard computer technology, too, we have the distinction of DRAM versus SRAM. DRAM is slower, but much denser, and is therefore much cheaper. SRAM is faster and more expensive. SRAM is generally used for on-chip caches. The capacity of DRAM is roughly 4-8 times that of SRAM, while SRAM is 8-16 times faster and 8-16 times more expensive.

An SRAM cell typically requires six transistors, while a DRAM cell requires only one. DRAMs are often read in bursts that fill at least one cache block.

6 transistor SRAM cell

Whereas, in DRAM circuits, a single bit of memory requires only a single transistor:

DRAM chip architecture

Final Thoughts: The Full Memory Hierarchy

We have talked about "main memory" and "cache memory", but in reality memory is a hierarchy with a number of levels:

Ideally one would desire an indefinitely large memory capacity such that any particular...word would be immediately available...We are...forced to recognize the possibility of constructing a hierarchy of memories, each of which has greater capacity than the preceding but which is less quickly accessible.
A.W. Burks, H.H. Goldstine, and J. von Neumann,
Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument (1946)
理想とは言えば、無限の容量を備え、いかなる語にも瞬時にアクセスできるよ うな記憶装置が欲しい。しかし、現実には記憶装置をいくつかの階層にわけて 構成せざるをえない、この記憶階層とは、下の階層に行くほど容量が大きくな るが、アクセスにはより時間がかかるような仕組みである。準備
A.W. Burks, H.H. Goldstine, and J. von Neumann,
Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument (1946)


This week's homework (submit via SFS):

  1. Clearly we need more practice with hexadecimal notation and bit fields. Assuming the above example of the AMD Opteron processor, with 40-bit physical addresses, identify the tag, index, and block offset of the following addresses:
    1. 0x1000
    2. 0x1004
    3. 0x1044
    4. 0x1049
    5. 0x81231000
    6. 0xA1239004
    7. 0xA1239913
  2. Assume a system with a 1GHz system clock, only one level of cache, and that L1 access is 1 clock cycle and main memory is 50 clock cycles.
    1. Plot the average memory access time as a function of cache hit rate. Graph 0.1-1.0 and 0.9-1.0 as two separate graphs.
    2. Plot the expected completion time for one billion instructions as a function of cache hit rate. Graph 0.1-1.0 and 0.9-1.0 as two separate graphs.
    3. At what cache hit ratio does average memory access time double, compared to the average access time with 100% hit ratio?
Or, in 日本語:

  1. 授業中で扱った40bitの物理アドレスを持つOpteron AMD processorの場合において,以下のアドレスのタグ,インデックス,ブロックオフセットを計算しなさい.
    1. 0x1000
    2. 0x1004
    3. 0x1044
    4. 0x1049
    5. 0x81231000
    6. 0xA1239004
    7. 0xA1239913
  2. 1GHzのシステムクロックでキャッシュをL1キャッシュのみ持つシステムで,L1キャッシュへのアクセスは1クロック,メインメモリへのアクセスには50クロックかかるとする.
    1. メモリアクセスタイムを,ヒットレートの関数でグラフを描きなさい.0.1-1.0, 0.9-1.0をに分けて二枚のグラフを描いて下さい。
    2. 10億命令を実行するのに必要な時間をヒットレートの関数で描きなさい.
    3. ヒットレートが100%のときと比較して、ヒットレートがいくつのときに平均のメモリーアクセスタイムは倍になりますか。

Next Lecture

Saturday, we will continue with the discussion of cache behavior, then shift into virtual memory.

Next lecture:

第9回 12月26日
Lecture 8, November 26: Memory: Virtual Memory (仮想記録)

Readings for next time:

Additional Information
