研究会B Kenkyuu-Kai (Research Meeting) Type B

Post-Moore's Law Computing Technologies
ロドニー・バンミーター Rodney Van Meter

See the page of project suggestions.

1. 目的・内容 Purpose of the seminar

ムーアの法則の上で、各二年間でVLSIで作られているチップのトランジス ターの数が倍になります。でも、トランジスターの大きさが原子と同じスケー ルになると、どうなるでしょう。この研究会で次時代の技術を探査します。 DNA計算、リバーシブルコンピューティング、ナノテクノロジ、アナログ計算、 量子計算などを勉強します。

Moore's Law, in its purest form, tells us that the number of transistors on a chip made using photolithographic VLSI doubles every two years; it is also often assumed that performance will follow a similar curve. However, Moore's Law must inevitably come to an end as individual transistors reach the size of a countable number of atoms. Then, what next? In this course, we will explore a number of candidates for successor technologies that will allow us to continue building more powerful computing machines. These will include DNA computing, reversible computation, nanotechnology, analog computation, and quantum computation.

2. 授業形式・形態 Class form

講義・ディスカッション・グループワーク Group discussion, reading group, and group work.

3.授業スケジュール Class schedule

In the first semester, we will see six different themes, each lasting about two weeks. Each theme will be represented by one (or possibly two) key, recent research paper(s). The paper will be "key" in the sense that we will hinge our discussion on that paper, though it may or may not be a particularly "important" paper in terms of its actual results. We will open the theme by reading that paper, then deconstruct it, working both backwards in time and sideways to other papers and resarchers, until we have understood the original paper. Students will be expected to participate in class discussions.

Opening Lecture: Where Are We Today?

Supporting material and lectures: Feynman, "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom", 1959.

Theme 1: The End of VLSI

Key Papers: James D. Meindl, Qiang Chen, Jeffrey A. Davis, "Limits on Silicon Nanoelectronics for Terascale Integration," Science Vol. 293. no. 5537, pp. 2044 - 2049 (2001) DOI: 10.1126/science.293.5537.2044

Sections of the International Technical Roadmap for Semiconductors (sections TBD)

Theme 2: Reversibility, Energy, and Entropy of Computation

Key Paper: Erik P. DeBenedictis, "Reversible logic for supercomputing," ACM Computing Frontiers, 2005.

Supporting material and lectures: Bennett, Landis, Feynman

Theme 3: Analog Computation

Key Paper: Vergis, A. and Steiglitz, K. and Dickinson, B., "The Complexity of Analog Computation," MCS, 28, pp. 91--113, 1986.

Supporting material and lectures: Mead, Ben-Hur, Siegelmann, Brockett

Theme 4: Nanotechnology and Computing Machinery

Key Paper: DeHon, "Sub-lithographic Semiconductor Computing Systems," Hotchips 15, 2003.

Supporting material and lectures: TBD

Theme 5: DNA Computing

Key Papers: Yaakov Benenson, Tamar Paz-Elizur, Rivka Adar, Ehud Keinan, Zvi Livneh and Ehud Shapiro, "Programmable and autonomous computing machine made of biomolecules," Nature 414, 430-434 (22 November 2001) | doi:10.1038/35106533

Dan Boneh, Christopher Dunworth, Richard J. Lipton, Jiri Sgall "On The Computational Power of DNA," DAMATH: Discrete Applied Mathematics and Combinatorial Operations Research and Computer Science

Supporting material and lectures: Lipton, TBD

Theme 6: Quantum Computation

Key Paper: TBD

Supporting material and lectures: TBD

Final Lecture: The Ultimate Limits of Computation

Key Paper: Seth Lloyd, "Ultimate physical limits to computation," Nature, 406, pp. 1047--1054.

Supporting material and lectures: Lloyd, TBD

4. 評価方法 Assessment method

You will be graded on three things:

5. 前提科目 Prerequisite

授業の発表と討論は日本語でやりますが、読む論文と書く論文は英語でやりま す。

Classroom discusses and presentations will be primarily in Japanese. However, the reading assignments will be in English, and students will be expected to write a term paper in English.

6. 関連科目(前提科目以外の)Related subject(s) (excepting the Prerequisite)

量子計算 quantum computing

There are no formal prerequisites for this kenkyukai, but the stronger your background the more you will get out of it. Familiarity with one or more of the following will be helpful:

7. 履修条件 Condition for registration

無し None.

8. 受入予定人数 Number of students

20名 20 students

9. 受入人数を超えた場合の選考日程
Schedule of student selection (when the class is overbooked)

Method of the student selection if the class is overbooked

面接による by interview

11. 参考文献 Reference

The following books are optional but helpful:

12.関連プロジェクト Related project

13.課題 Assignment


14. 連絡先 Lecturer's e-mail address


15. 研究室ホームページ Laboratory Homepage