2007$BG/EY(B $B=U3X4|(B

System Software / Operating Systems

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$B $BC4Ev(B: Rodney Van Meter
E-mail: rdv@sfc.keio.ac.jp


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The basic software of a computer is called its operating system (OS). The operating system loads other programs (or processes). Programs use the file system, network, and other services provided by the OS. There are many operating systems, including Windows and MacOS, but in this class we will focus on Unix and Linux. The basic concepts of processes, system calls, memory management and virtual memory, file systems, networking, security and other subsystems will be presented. Because concurrency and parallelism are fundamental, and are becoming increasingly important at the application level, students will write at least one concurrent program.

The lectures for this class will be in Japanese, but non-Japanese-speaking students are encouraged to join. Adequate materials to learn the topic and complete the assignments will be available in English.

$B652J=q(B Textbook

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Modern Operating Systems, 2nd edition
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Pearson Education
ISBN-13: 978-0130313584
ISBN-10: 0130313580

