Profile in English

Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Keio University


Yuichiro Shimizu is Professor of Japanese Politics and History in the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Japan.

His research and teaching focus on Japanese political history. His recent book, The Origins of the Modern Japanese Bureaucracy(London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019), describes the process of nation building in Meiji and Taisho Japan from the view point of making and enhancing national elite. He point out the open door policy of bureaucracy as the route of making Japanese democracy.

He has been interested in the Relationship between Politicians and Bureaucrats. His first book, Party and the Bureaucracy in Modern Japan: the Clash of the Constitutional Government (Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2007) (in Japanese), he discussed about this issue, and pointed out they found the way of collaboration and separation after the long conflict.

His research is not only historical one, but also comparing Modern and Contemporary Japan. Because Japan has been faced on historical change in Politic, but there is not any experience about Government change more than a half century. Thus he experience in Modern Japan is the latest case to be referred. So he compiles a lot of Oral Histories to Politicians and Bureaucrats in Japan.


LL.B. Keio University, Japan, 1999
LL.M. Keio University, Japan, 2001
S.J.D. Keio University, Japan, 2005


2017-present Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University.
2017-present Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University.
2024-present Program Chairperson, Policy Making and Social Innovation, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University.
2024-present Commitee member, Book Review Commitee, Yomiuri Shinbun.
2020-present Board member, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies(2024-, Chairperson of the editorial committee).
2020-present Board member, Public Policy Studies Association JAPAN(2024-, Chairperson of the program committee).
2020-present Board member, The Japanese Society for Public Administration.
2007-present Visiting Fellow, Research Center of Advanced Technology, The University of Tokyo.


2023-2024 Auditor, The Japanese Society for Public Administration.
2023-2024 Vice Chairperson, the International Exchanging Committee, Japanese Polirtical Science Association.
2023-2024 Chairperson, the Review Committee, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies.
2023-2024 Visiting Professor, affliated with Japan Taiwan Exchange Association, Center of Japanese Studies, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.
2018-2018 Visiting Professor, Department of Japanese History, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany.
2017-2021 Chairperson of the Editorial Board of KEIO SFC JOURNAL.
2016-2020 Board Member, Committee for Higher Civil-Service Exam, National Personnel Authority Japan.
2015-2016 Visiting Associate Professor, Program in Japanese Studeies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
2014-2015 Visiting Scholar, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University, USA.
2014-2015 International Fellowship, The Nippon Foundation.
2010-2017 Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University.
2010-2017 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University.
2003-2007 Research Associate, The University of Tokyo.
2002-2003 Research Assistant, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.


Winter 2005 Ph.D. Graduate School of Law, Major in Politics, Keio University
Doctoral Dissertation: “A Study on Relationship among Party, Cabinet, and Bureaucrats in Modern Japan.”
Spring 2001 M.A. Graduate School of Law, Major in Politics, Keio University
Spring1999 B.A. School of Law, Major in Politics, Keio University.


May 14, 2016 Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Award.
  “How Japanese electoral districts had established?”
June 7, 2014 Public Policy Studies Association Japan Award.
  “The Bureaucrats in Modern Japan” Chuokoron Shinsha, 2013
June 10, 2011 The 27th Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Special Award.
  Participated as a co-author in “Beyond Historical Awareness: 20-21st Century Japan-China Relations,” Chikura Shobo, 2010.
November, 1999 The Outstanding Paper Award of the100th Memorial for the Faculty of Law and Politics, Keio University
  “A Study of Kiyoura Cabinet: Political Conflict in the House of Peers”


Japanese Political History, Bureaucracy, Political Awareness, Public Administration, Comparative Politics, Electoral Studies, Electoral Discricting, Oral History


Japanese Political Science Association, Public Policy Studies Association, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies, European Association of Japanese Studies, Association for Asian Studies, Japanese Society for Public Administration, Keio Law Association, Keio SFC Acdemic Society


— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “Japanese Politics at a Turning Point: From One-Party Dominance to the Era of Deliberative Debate”, Discuss Japan, Vol. 86[Internet], Jan 2025(in English).

— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Nihon Seiji, Nihon Seiji-shi Kenkyu no Michiannai(A Guide to Studying Japanese Politics and Japanese Political History from Outside Japan)”, Webinar: Information Sources for Japanese Studies (FY2024), Kansai-kan of the National Diet Library, Taiwan, Jan 2025(in Japanese.

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. “Meiji-Taisho ki Rikken Seiyukai to Seimuchosakai: Seito Seiji ikoki ni okeru Seimuchosa(Policy Research in the Rikken Seiyukai Party during late Meiji and Taisho era)“, Kentaro OKU, Yuichiro SHIMIZU, Shinsuke HAMAMOTO eds., “Seimu Chosakai to Nihon no Seito Seiji: 130 nen no Kiseki(Policy Research Council and Japanese Party Politics: Its 130 Years Trail.), Tokyo: Yoshida Shoten, 2024(in Japanese). 484p.
2. Shimizu Y., Levidis A. “The Modern Bureaucracy“, Nakabayashi M., Tanaka H. eds., Handbook of Japanese Public Administration and Bureaucracy., Tokyo: MHM Limited, 2024(in English). 456p.
3. Shimizu Y. “Democracy to Seshu Seijika: Sono Kozai wo Kangaeru(Democracy and Hereditary Politicians: Examing the Structure and Merits and Demerits“, Komamura K. eds., Platform and Democracy: The Future of Another Monster ‘Demos’., Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2024(in Japanese). 368p.

— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Nihon no Wakamono to Seiji: Taiwan tono Hikaku kara Kangaeru(Japanese Youth and Politics: A Comparison with Taiwanese youth)”, Law and Politics Studies Special Lecture, National Kaohsiung University School of Law, Taiwan, Jan 2024(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
2. Shimizu Y. “Shingi to Chosa: Teikoku Gikai ni Okeru Kogi no Henyo(Deliberations and investigations: the transformation of public debate in the Imperial Diet.)”, Kogi Kenkyukai(Research Group of Deliberation in Modern Japan), Keio University, Japan, Feb 2024(in Japanese).
3. Shimizu Y. “Seiji no Ronri, Media no Ronri(Logic of politics and media)”, Japan Association for Media, Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan, Feb 2024(in Japanese).
4. Shimizu Y. “Kiku kara Hiraku, Shinshu no Kingendai(Exploring modern in Shinshu through ‘Listening’”, Keynote Lecture in Shinano Shigakukai(The Shinano History Society) Annual Conference 2024, Matsumoto Agata no Mori Bunkakaikan, Japan, Jun 2024(in Japanese).
5. Shimizu Y. “‘Kiku’ kara Michi wo Hiraku: Keio SFC Oral HIstory Workshop no Jissen(Exploring New Horizons through Listening: Practical Experience of the Keio SFC Oral History Workshop) “, Gakujyutsu Yaei 2024 Dai 3 kai Hiokoshi no Kai(The 3rd Fire Starting Meetings, Academic Campfire Gathering 2024), Online, Jul 2024(in Japanese).
6. Shimizu Y. “Accumulating International Exchange Experiences :The Past and Future of Keio and MIT”, From Samurai into Engineers: Panel Discussion celebrating the 150th anniversary of MIT’s First Japanese Students, Massachusett Instirute of Technology, Sep 2024(in English).
7. Shimizu Y. “Naze Jiyuminshuto niha Seshu Seijika ga Ooinoka: Sono Rekishiteki Kozo Bunseki(Why Does the Liberal Democratic Party Have So Many Hereditary Politicians? — A Historical Structural Analysis)”, International Academic Symposium: “Aspects of Modern East Asian International Political Operations, National Taipei University School of History, Taiwan, Oct 2024(in Japanese with English Handout).
8. Shimizu Y. “Dare ga Seijika ni Narunoka: Kingendai Nihon Seiji no Rekishiteki Kozo Bunseki(Who Becomes a Politician: A Historical and Structural Analysis of Modern Japanese Politics)”, The 8th Annual Conference of the East Asian Consortium of Japanese Stuides, Tamkang University, Taiwan, Nov 2024(in Japanese).
9. Shimizu Y. “Nihon Seiji no Shinkyokumen: Shin Seiken no Tanjyo to Sosenkyo(A New Phase in Japanese Politics The Birth of the Ishiba Administration & the 50th General Election)”, Japan Taiwan Exchange Association “Japanese Studies Symposium”, Tamkang University Taipei Campus, Taiwan, Nov 2024(in Japanese).
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “‘Nihon Hatsu no Jyosei Giin 39 mei’ ha Doko he ittanoka: Tairyo Tosen, Tairyo Rakusen no Kozo Bunseki(Where ‘Japan’s First 39 women MPs’ gone: Aa structual analysis of the mass election followed by mass failure in early postwar Japan)”, Hogaku Kenkyu, Vol. 97, No.1, Jan 2024(in Japanese). pp. 137-176.
2. Shimizu Y., “Niinsei to Nitosei: “Kindai Nihon niokeru Gikai Seiji no Keisei” heno Komento(Bicameral System and Two-party System: Comments on Both Presentations Regarding “the Formation of Parliamentary Politics in Modern Japan).”, Nihonshi Kenkyu(Journal of Japanese History), No. 738, Feb 2024(in Japanese). pp. 190-204.
3. Shimizu Y. “Party Politics, Factions, and Hereditary Politics: The Current State of Japanese Politics”, Discuss Japan, Vol. 80[Internet], Mar 2024(in English).
4. Shimizu Y. “Seijigaku ni Okeru Oral History(Oral History in Japanese Political Science)”, Rekishi Hyoron(Historical Journal), No. 892, Jul 2024(in Japanese). pp. 64-74.
5. Shimizu Y. “Kiku kara Hiraku Shinshu no Kingendai(Listening to Open Up: Modern and Contemporary History of Shinshu)”, Shinano, Vol. 76 No. 11, Nov 2024(in Japanese). pp. 749-775.

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. “On no hito, En no hito(Man of warmth, people with a connectionn.)”, Kamijyo Hiroyuki sensei Tsuito-shu kanko-kai, “Chitoku no hito: Tsuito Kamijyo Hiroyui sensei(In Memory of Dr. Hiroyuki Kamijo, a man of “wisdom and virtue.), Nagano: Ryuho Shobo, 2023(in Japanese). 258p.
2. Shimizu Y. “Mitani Taichiro’s “Nihon no Kindai toha Nandatta noka”, Sato Takumi’s “Yoron to Seron””, Yang Su-Shih et. al. ed., Nihongaku Shinan(The Guide to Japanese Studies-100 Classic Monographs on Topics in the Field of Japanese Humanities and Sciences.), Taipei: Wunan Publishing, 2023(in Chinese). 440p.
3. Shimizu Y. “Chap. 1 Senzen sengo ni okeru hoshu no renzoku to hirenzoku(Continuities and discontinuities of conservatism in pre-war and post-war Japan.)”, Hiroshi Masuda ed., Sengo hoshu seijika no gunzo(Portraying post-war conservative politicians.), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2023(in Japanese). 464p.
4. Shimizu Y. “Final Chapter. Meiji Ishin ha Donoyou ni Ronjirarete kitanoka?(How has the Meiji Revolution been discussed?)”, Akihiro Machida ed., Bakumatsu Ishinshi he no Shotai(Introduction to the History of the Bakumatsu and Meiji Revolution), Tokyo: Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2023(in Japanese). 280p.
5. Shimizu Y. “Chap. 5 Seito Seiji no Mosaku(Exploring Party Politics in Taisho Japan)”, Masamichi Ogawara ed., Nihon Kingendai Seijishi(Japanese Modern Political History), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2023(in Japanese). 426p.
6. Shimizu Y. “Chap. 8 Hirakareta Oral History no Jissenn to Houhou(Practices and Methods of “Open Oral History”)”, Takeo Kuwahara and Yuichiro Shimizu ed., Sougouseisakugaku no Houhourontekitenkai(Methodological Approaches in Policy Management Studies), Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2023(in Japanese). 256p.
7. Shimizu Y. “Sumimasenkeredomo chotto sonogosoudandakeha ukekanemasu(I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t accept this consultation)”, Kishi Masahiko ed., Osaka no Seikatsushi(Life stories of Osaka), Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo, 2023(in Japanese). 1280p.
— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Why so many political dynasties in the Japanese Diet?: A historical structural analysis“, International Workshop “New Trends in Political History of Modern and Contemporary Japan”, Department of History, KU Leuven, Belgium, Dec 2023(in English).
2. Shimizu Y. “Who Became a Politician?: A Portrait of Modern Japan“, Leiden Lecture Series in Japanese Studies, Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University, Neitherland, Dec 2023(in English).
3. Shimizu Y. “Nihon ha Minshushugi wo Umaku Jyuyo Dekitanoka(“Has Japan successfully embraced democracy?”)“, Japanese Studies Special Lecture, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Japanese Studies Degree Program, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Nov 2023(in Japanese).
4. Shimizu Y. “Dare ga Seijika ni Narunoka(“Who Will Be Politicians: A Portrait of Modern Japanese Politics”)“, Hua Kang East Asia Seminar vol. 9, The Institute of East Asian Humanities and Social Sciences, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, Nov 2023(in Japanese).
5. Shimizu Y. “Hara Takashi: Pioneer of Japanese Party Politics”, Modern Japanese History Association, New book from Japan No.4 , MJHA, Online, Oct 2023(in English and Japanese).
6. Shimizu Y. “The Electoral District System & Japanese Politics: The year 1900 as a turning point”, European Association for Japanese Studies International Conference 2023, EAJS, Ghent University(Belgium), Jul 2023(in English).
7. Shimizu Y. “Hara Takashi: Pioneer of Japanese Party Politics”, History Studies Special Lecture, National Taiwan Normal University(Taiwan), Dec 2023(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “Post-COVID Japanese Studies: Digital Materials, Analog Dialogue”, Discuss Japan, Vol. 75[Internet], Mar 2023(in English).
2. Aoki E., Shimizu Y., “Codebook: The Descriptive Results of the 2022 Japanese Bureaucrats’ Survey on Work-Life Balance”, Annual Report Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Vol. 71-2, Jun 2023(in Japanese). pp. 107-126.

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. “Chap. 1 Nihon(Japan)”, Kasuya Yuko ed., Asia no Datsu-Shokuminchika to Taisei Hendo(Decolonisation and regime change in Asia), Tokyo: Hakusuisha, 2022(in Japanese). 510p.
2. Shimizu Y., Takamatsu N. “Dialogue 3. Daigaku ha Jibun no Project wo Jitsugen suru ba ni naru(Univerty will be the place to realize your project)”, Atsushi Shinjo et al., 2050 nen no Nyushi mondai(Future Entrance Exam Questions), Tokyo: Nikkei BP, 2022(in Japanese). 256p.
— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Modernizing Japan: The Role of Choshu in Japan’s Nation-building Process”, Public Symposium “Reading the Diet Building Now”‘, YCAPS-SPF Community Conversation, Iwakuni PLAT-ABC, Dec 2022(in English).
2. Shimizu Y. “Bunmei toshite no Gijo: Kogi no ba wo tsukuru(The House as a Civilization – Creating a Public Forum)”, Public Symposium “Reading the Diet Building Now”‘, Research Institute for Modern Culture, Showa Women’s University, Oct 2022(in Japanese).
3. Shimizu Y. “Kojin Oral History ni miru Rekishi, Jinsei, Monogatari(History, life and stories in the oral histories of public figures)”, International Academic Symposium ‘History, Life and Narrative: Oral History Research in East Asia’, Ritsumeikan University(Online), Feb 2022(in Japanese).
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “The Legacy of Abe Politics: The contrast with the assassination of Hara Takashi—From confrontational democracy to a democracy of dialog”, Discuss Japan, Vol. 72[Internet], Sep 2022(in English).
2. Aoki E., Shimizu Y., “Codebook: The Descriptive Results of the 2021 Japanese Bureaucrats’ Survey on Work-Life Balance”, Annual Report Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Vol. 71-1, Dec 2022(in Japanese). pp. 171-190.

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. Hara Takashi; Images and facts of the first Commoner Prime Minister’ in Japan, Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha, 2021(in Japanese). 320p. 
2. Shimizu Y. “Nanika Nijyu no Kozo ga Arundesuyone(Some kind of doucle structure, there is)”, Kishi Masahiko ed., Tokyo no Seikatsushi(Life stories of Tokyo), Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo, 2021(in Japanese). 1216p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “State, Political Parties, and the Nation: Triangular Political History without a Center of Gravity”, GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON JAPAN, No. 4, 2021(in English). pp. 15-35.
2. Shimizu Y. “Dairy in Election: Reading the record of political festival”, National Diet Library Online exhibition “World of Diary”, National Diet Library[Internet], 2021(in Japanese).
— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Taisho Democracy no Seido-ron: Kukanteki Seiji Seido toshiteno Senkyoku(Institutional theory of Taisho democracy: electoral districts as spatial political institutions)”, The 4th Annual Conference of EACJS, Korea University(Online), Nov 2022(in Japanese).
2. Shimizu Y. “Taisho Democracy no naka no Genron to Boryoku(Speech and Violence in the Taisho Democracy)”, International Academic Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Taiwan Cultural Associations, National Taipei University(Online), Oct 2021(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
3. Shimizu Y. “Daigaku Kyoiku ni okeru Oral History(Oral History Project in Higher Education)”, Japan Association for Social Policy Studies , Hosei University(Online), Mar 2021(in Japanese).

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. Takii K. Ryota M. An Introduction to a Political History of Modern Japan, Tokyo: Yuhikaku Publishing Co. Ltd, 2020(in Japanese). 312p. 
2. Shimizu Y. “Parliamentary proceedings and chamber as civilization: How the arena of public opinion was established?”, Takii Kazuhiro ed., Meiji to iu Isan: Kindai Nihon wo Meguru Hikaku Bunmei-shi(The Legacy of “Meiji”: A Comparative Historical Research of Civilizations in Modern Japan), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2020(in Japanese). 596p.
3. Shimizu Y. “Japanese Bureaucrats and the First World War”, Jan Schmidt/ Katja Schmidtpott eds., The East Asian Dimension of the First World War, Frankfurt: Campus, 2020(in English). 413p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “From Interval between Political Science and the Study of Japanese History”, Nihon-shi Kenkyu(Journal of Japanese History), No. 700, 2020(in Japanese). pp. 112-125.
— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Japanese Politics under the Post-Abe government: Birth of the full-fledged reshuffled cabinet”, Japan-China Relationship under the Covid19 situation, Online, Sep 2020(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. The Origins of Modern Japanese Bureaucracy. London: Bloomsbury Publishing; 2019(in English) . 284p.
2. Shimizu Y. et al.,The mystery behind Japan’s 1000 years history. Taipei: Walkers cultural 2019(in Chinese). 384p.
3. Shimizu Y. “Minh Trị Duy tân đã đào tạo, tuyển chọn và sử dụng nhân tài như thế nào“, Nguyễn Tiến Lực ed., NHỮNG BÀI HỌC TỪ MINH TRỊ DUY TÂN, Ho Chi Minh: NXB Khoa Học, 2019(in Vietnamee).
4. Shimizu Y. “Historical institutional analysis of Japanese electoral districts“, Endo K. et al. ed., Changes and refactoring in Japanese Studies, Taipei: Haulu Publishing, 2019(in Chinese).
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “The Multi-Historiography of Japanese Studies: From an Era of Self-Reliance towards an Era of Collaboration”, ISSUES & STUDIES, vol.48 No. 4, 2019(in Japanese). pp. 1-31.
2. Shimizu Y. “Nation, Party, Peoples: A political history of the balance-losing triangle “, Asteion, vol. 90, 2019(in Japanese). pp. 14-28.
3. Shimizu Y. “Representative in Japan: Its historical process and issues”, Hōritsu Jihō, vol. 1135, 2019(in Japanese). pp. 102-107.
— Conferences —
1. Shimizu Y. “Development politics and democracy in modern Japan”, The 4th Annual Conference of EACJS, Taipei(Taiwan), Nov 2019(in Japanese).
2. Shimizu Y. “Japanese Politics in the 150 years anniversary of Meiji Revolution”, A New Horizon in East Asian Humanities and Social Studies, Taipei(Taiwan), Oct 2019(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
3. Shimizu Y. “Historical studies in Japanese Association of Electoral Studies”, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Annual Conference, Tohoku University , July 2019(in Japanese).
4. Shimizu Y. “Meiji Revolution and its human resource policy”,Từ di sản Minh Trị Duy tân đến bài học đổi mới cho Việt Nam, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. March 8 2019(in Japanese with Vietnamese interpretation).
5. Shimizu Y. “Prewar Political Elites, Postwar Democracy in Japan”, The open forum of “The historical origin of dictatorship and democracy in Asia”, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 12 2019(in Japanese).

— Books —
1. “Japanese youth have not been intested in politics?: Comparing political participation between Japan and Taiwan”, Who Governs?, Taipei:RiveGauche Publishing House, 2018(in Chinese) . 432p.
2. “Modern Japan”, Chūkō Shinsho Henshūbu ed., The Issues of Japanese History, Tokyo: Chūǒ Kōron Shinsha, 2018(in Japanese). 288p.
3. “Politicay juventud en Japon: cambios despues del gran desastre del Terremoto de Japon Oriental de2011”, G.N.M.Martinez, G.R.Altamirano ed., Educacion Civica, Tirant Humanidades, Mexico, 2018(in Spanish) .
4. Living as the Guardian of the law: A Memoir of Masasuke Ōmori: the President of Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2018(in Japanese). 368p.
5. “Yamagata Aritomo”, Kiyotada Tsutsui ed., Lecture of Meiji History: the Book of Personal History, Tokyo: Chikuma Shobǒ, 2018(in Japanese). 400p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “What’s “full-fledged” cabinet?: Reconsidering party politics in Japan”, Chūō Kōron, vol. 1619, 2018(in Japanese). pp. 84-98.
2. Shimizu Y. “Representativeness and Expertise: 150 years history of Politico-Bureaucrats Relationship”, Journalism, no. 337, 2018(in Japanese). pp. 28-35.
3. “Restoration, Revolution or Reform? The Unexpected Fortune of Winners and Tenacious Efforts of Losers”, Discuss Japan No. 43[Internet].. 2018 (in English).
— Conferences —
1. “Meiji Restoration and the 3.11 Great Earthquake: Youths and Two Major Human Resource Revolutions in Japan”, 150 Year Anniversary of the Meiji Restoration Lecture、Heidelberg University,Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 21 2018(in English)
2. “A historical Institutional Analysis about the first full-flidged party cabinet in Japan”, Japanese Political Science Association Annual Conference, Kansai Universiy, Japan, Oct 12 2018(in Japanese).
3. “Meiji Revolution as the Human Policies Revolution”, International Conference “Meiji Restoration and Modern World”, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, July 28, 2018(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
4. “Not Restoration, Bu Revolution: 150 Years Changes in Youth”, JAPAN IN THE GLOBAL 21ST CENTURY、Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 23, 2018(in English).
5. “Oral History Research in Policy Studies”, Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Annual Conference, Takushoku University, Tokyo, Japan, May 13 2018(in Japanese).
6. “Bureaucrats and Politicians in Japan: Conflict and Collaboration from 1868 to 2018”, The World History Seminar Series by the MIT History Faculty, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, May 3, 2018(in English).

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. Mobilize our people!: Birth of a National Policy Pictorial Magazine,Shashin Shyuhō, Tamai K ed., The era of Shashin Shuhō, Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2017(in Japanese). 368p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Establishing Political Leadership in Japan?: The 2nd/3rd Abe Government and Its Leadership, Japan and Asia-Pacific Studies Quarterly, vol. 1 no. 3, 2017(Taiwan, in Japanese). pp. 133-155.
— Conferences —
1. “Cultivating Potential Hopes, Mobilizing Prospects Youth: Nation Building and Human Resources Policy in Modern Japan”, EVF Roundtable: Historical and Contemporary Impact of Generational Change on Japanese Politics and Institutions, at Freedom university Berlin, November 29, 2017(in English).
2. “Political Leadership and Prime Minister’s Office in the 2nd/3rd Abe Government” at Chinese Association For Japanese Studies, 2017, Beijing, China, October 30, 2017(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
3. “Historical Analysis for Political Leadership and Prime Minister’s Office in Japan”, at 2nd International Conference of EACJS, 2017, Tianjin, China, October 29, 2017(in Japanese).
4. “The First World War, as The Turning Point of Modern Japan”, International Workshop “The Great War seen from the ‘Periphery’, East Asia and Ibero-America”, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 26, 2017(in English).
5. “Political Development and Post-War Governance: What’s Japanese Political Elites learned from WW1?”, at International conference “National Policy and Economic Development in Modern East Asia”, National Taipei University, New Taipei, Taiwan, June 16 2017(in Japanese).

— Books —
1. Yamamoto T, Shimizu Y, Deguchi Y. Exploring Japan with the Judicial Precedents: Laws, Politics, History and Culture, Tokyo: Nihon Hyōronsha, 2016 (in Japanese). 295p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. “Politics and Youth in Modern and Contemporary Japan”, ISSUES & STUDIES, vol. 45 no. 2, 2016(Taiwan, in Japanese). pp. 1-31.
2. Shimizu Y. “How Electoral Districts System was Established in Modern Japan?: Exploring the Threshold of Special Political Institution”, Journal of Political Science, vol. 2016 no. 2, 2016(in Japanese). pp. 13-36.
3. Shimizu Y. “An Attempt for Developing Institutional Political History: Historical Institionalism with Four Political Institution”, Kyūshū Shigaku, no. 175, 2016(in Japanese). pp. 40-48.
— Conferences —
1. “How Japanese Electoral District Reform Has Done?“, Social Scientific dialogue in New Era between Taiwan and Japan, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 17 2016(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
2. “Electoral districts as spatial and historical institutes”, at 1st International Conference of EACJS, National Seoul University, Inchon, Korea, November 30 2016(in Japanese).
3. “Politics and Youth in Modern Japan: Historical and Contemporary Views”, Retos de la política internacional de Japón en Asia-Pacífico, CIDOB, Barcelona, Spain, March 10 2016(in English).
4. “Evolución de la opinión pública japonesa en cuestiones de seguridad”, Seminario de Relaciones Internacionales y Seguridad de Japón, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, March 9 2016(in English).

— Books —
1. Mikuriya T, Akasaka K, Shimizu Y. An Oral History of Masasuke Ōmori: the President of Cabinet Legislation Bureau, Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Oral History Project, 2015(in Japanese). 297p.
— Conferences —
1. “Politico-Bureaucrat-Nation Relationship in Contemporary Japan: Governmental Changes and Three Institutions”, at 2nd National Conference for Japanese Studies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 13 2015(in Japanese).
2. “An Attempt for Developing Institutional Political History: Historical Institionalism with Four Political Institution”, at Kyushū Shigaku annual conference, Kyushū University, Japan, October 17 2015(in Japanese)
3. “Reformatting Elite in Modern Japan”, at Elites in Modern Japan International Workshop, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, EHESS, Paris, France, June 4 2015(in English).
4. “Building-up Process of the Japanese Electoral District System: Continuity and Discontinuity from Pre-Modern Order”, at Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Annual Conference, Kumamoto, Japan, May 17 2015(in Japanese)
5. “The Fostering of Young Elites in Modern Japan: Education, Institution, Promotion”, at Nissan Seminar, Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, Oxford University, UK, January 29 2015(in English).

— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y, Suwa M. Re-examining Oral History Method:Dialogue Analysis of Utterance Sequences. KEIO SFC JOURNAL. 2014;14 (1) :pp. 108-132(in Japanese).
2. Shimizu Y, Naraoka S. Shaping the Diet: Competing Architectural Designs for Japan’s Diet Building. [Internet]. 2014(in English). 38p.
3. Shimizu Y. The history and future of Nagano prefecture, as the region of education. In: Changing schools, Changing society. Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Shoseki ; 2014(in Japanese).
— Conferences —
1. “The Formation and Evolution of the Bureaucracy in Modern Japan”, at Modern Japanese History Workshop 2014, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, October 18, 2014(in English).
2. “Shaping the Diet: Competing Architectural Designs for Japan’s Diet Building”(Joint paper with Sōchi Naraoka) , at Australian Political Studies Association, the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, September 29, 2014(in English).
3. “Conflict, Collaboration and Confusion: Reexamining the Relationship between the Bureaucracy and Party Politics in Japan, 1868-1924”, at NYCAS(New York Conference Asian Studies), Hofstra University, New York, USA, September 20 2014(in English).
4. “How Japanese Bureaucrats studied the War: WW1 and Japanese bureaucrats”, at The East Asian Dimension of the First World War, Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany, September 7 2014(in English).
5. “From Local Youths to National Elites: Developing Human Resources in Modern Japan”, at ASPAC(Asian Studies on Pacific Ocean) 2014, Western Washington University, Bellingham , USA, June 21 2014(in English).

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. The Bureaucracy in Modern Japan: from Restoration Bureaucrats to Educated Elites. 1st ed. Tokyo: Chuo Koron Shinsha; 2013. 356p.
2. Shimizu, Y et al. ed. The Documents of Baron Shijyo Family. 1st ed. Tokyo: Doseisha; 2013. 412p.
3. Innami I, Shimizu Y ed. The Medical Policy in Japan: An Oral History of Eiichi Nakamura. Tokyo: Institute for Health Economics and Policy; 2013. 168p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. YOSHINO Sakuzō and Public Space in the Taisho Period. Bulletin of Modern Japanese Studies [Internet]. 2013;29 :61-104.
2. Shimizu Y. The Election System in Modern Japan; Succeeding Author’s Intuition and Consideration. Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies, Vol29-1, 2013.
3. Shimizu Y. Comparative Study of Chambers (1): The National Diet and the Chamber of Japan as physical framework for Democracy. Theory and Practice of New Japan Studies” Working Paper [Internet]. 2013.
4. Shimizu Y. Changing the Construction of the Party Support: A Case of the Partition of Rikken Seiyukai. In: Sakamoto K, Iokibe K The New Horizon of Japanese Political History. 1st ed. Tokyo: Yoshida Shoten ; 2013. pp. 233-276.
— Conferences —
1. “Civil Service Reform under the Governmental Changes”, at the International Conference “Future of Post Developing Era Japan”, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea, October 11 2013(in Japanese with Korean interpretation).

— Books —
1. Kimura M, Shimizu Y ed. An Oral History of Masahide Shibusawa: Grandchild of Eiichi Shibusawa. Tokyo: The Eiichi Shibusawa Memorial Foundation; 2012. 130p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Problems Detected by Japanese Political History. In: Sone Y The Governance of Government and Parties under the Change of Government. Tokyo: The 21st Century Public Policy Institute ; 2012. pp. 74-100.

— Books —
1. Sakurai R, Kobayashi M, Shimizu Y ed. The Diary of the Marshal Uehara Yusaku. Tokyo: Fuyo Shobo Shuppan; 2011. 503p.
2. Mikuriya T, Makihara I, Shimizu Y ed. An Oral History of Ichiro Yoshikuni: the President of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Oral History Project; 2011.
3. Innami I, Shimizu Y ed. The Universal Healthcare System: An Oral History of Masataka Kouda. Tokyo: Institute for Health Economics and Policy; 2011. 158p.
4. Toshihiro O, Shimizu Y ed. Young Daughters of the Noble Family in the Era of Taisho and Showa. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan; 2011. 225p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Who Takes the Initiative? Is it Politician or Bureaucrat? The Historical Composition and Structural Changes. Leviathan. 2011;48 :pp. 8-37.
— Conferences —
1. “After Governmental Changes in Japan”, at Japan-Taiwan Conference “East Asia and USA”, Taipei, Taiwan, October 29 2011(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
2. “From Conflict to Compromise: The Changing Relations of Party Politics and Ministerial Bureaucracy in Interwar Japan” at 13th International Conference of EAJS, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia, October 29, 2011(in English).
3. “After the Change of Government: from the LDP regime to the DPJ Government” at Japan-Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1, 2011(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).
4. “Change of Government and Political Realignment: Structure Change by the 2nd Goken Movement” at the Japanese Association of Electoral Studies Annual Meeting, Nishinomiya, Japan, May 14 2011(in Japanese).
5. “Relationship between Parties and Bureaucrats: Factions and Politicalization” at the Association of KEIO Law and Politics Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, June 12 2011(in Japanese).

— Books —
1. Kimura M, Shimziu Y ed. An Oral History of Shigeyuki Hozumi: the Grandchild of Nobushige Hozumi. Tokyo: The Eiichi Shibusawa Memorial Foundation; 2010. 88p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Politics and Administration in the Era of Party Government. In: Kasahara H History of the Japanese Administration. Tokyo: Keio University Press ; 2010. pp. 55-78.
2. Shimizu Y. Reaction to the Chinese Revolution of 1911: Democratization and Modern Japan. In: Nakanishi H, Kobayashi M Beyond Historical Awareness: 20-21st Century Japan-China Relations. Tokyo: Chikura Shobo ; 2010. pp. 33-58.
— Conferences —
1. “A Historical Analysis of Political Leadership in Japan: Pre-war, Post-war and Now”, at The International Conference “Japanese Political Changes under DPJ Government”, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, September 19 2010(in Japanese with Chinese interpretation).

— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. The Capability of Oral History. RPSPP Discussion Paper [Internet]. 2009;4 :pp. 1-27.
2. Shimizu Y. Recruiting National Elites and Building the Administrative State: A Mentality of Modern Japan. Hogaku Kenkyu. 2009;82-2 :pp. 193-219.
— Conferences —
1. “The Evolution of Parties and Bureaucrats Relationship: the Birth of Administrative State and Party Government” at The Japanese Society for Public Administration Annual Meeting, Hiroshima, Japan, May 9, 2009(in Japanese).

— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. The Institutionalization of Political Readership. In: Politics of Keio University: Japanese Politics. Tokyo: Keio University Press ; 2008. pp. 143-171.
2. Shimizu Y. Forming an District Association on Modern Japanese Bureaucracy: with a Case of Nagano Prefecture. In: Kamijo H The Various Issues of the Glass Roots History in Nagano Prefecture,. Nagano: Ryuho Shobo ; 2008. pp. 121-153.
3. Shimizu Y. The Overview of Shashin Shuho as an National Policy Pictorial Magazine. In: Tamai K The National Consciousness of Wartime Japan. Tokyo: Keio University Press ; 2008. pp. 1-48.
— Conferences —
1. “The General Election under the Political Realignment” at the Japanese Association of Election Studies Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 17, 2008(in Japanese).

— Books —
1. Shimizu Y. Party and the Bureaucracy in Modern Japan. 1st ed. Tokyo, Japan: Fujiwara Shoten; 2007. 336p.
2. Iio J, Ohsugi S, Shimizu Y ed. Life with Local Administration: An Oral History of the Assistance Administrator Hiroshi Miyazawa. Tokyo: Daiichi Hoki; 2007. 249p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Hara, Takashi. In: Mikuriya T Drawing the Prime Minister in the History. Tokyo: Yumani Shobo ; 2007. pp. 95-102.
2. Shimizu Y. How to Practice Oral History?. In: Mikuriya T The Approach to Oral History. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten ; 2007. pp. 121-125.
— Conferences —
1. “The Institutionalization of Political Readership” at the Japanese Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, October 6, 2007(in Japanese).

— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Parties and Bureaucrats under the Goken Sanpa Government. Nihon Seiji Kenkyu. 2006;3-1 :pp. 29-65.

— Books —
1. Mikuriya T, Kanai T, Shimizu Y ed. An Oral History of Atsuo Kudo: the President of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau. Tokyo: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; 2005. 419p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Party and Bureaucracy in the Taisho Period: Bureaucrats Join Parties. In: Terasaki O, Tamai K Politics and Civil Consciousness during Prewar Japan. Tokyo: Keio University Press ; 2005. pp. 145-192.
2. Shimizu Y. The Formation of the First Party Cabinet, 1898-1901: Changing the Relationship between the Politico-Bureaucracy and the Cabinet. Shigaku Zasshi. 2005;114-2 :pp. 59-83.
— Conferences —
1. “Parties and Bureaucrats under the Goken Sanpa Government” at the Association of Japanese Political Studies Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, may 22, 2005(in Japanese).

— Books —
1. Mikuriya T, Takeda T, Yuichiro S ed. An Oral History of Masae Ohmuro: the Party Secretary General of the LDP. Tokyo: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; 2004. 479p.
2.Iio J, Ohsugi S, Shimizu Y ed. My Twentieth Century: An Oral History of the Assistance Administrator Shiro Nagano. Tokyo: Gakuyo Shobo; 2004. 292p.
— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. A Study of Partilization of Bureaucrat in Modern Japan. The Japanese Journal of Law and Political Science [Internet]. 2004;41-4 :pp. 67-77.
2. Shimizu Y. Spoils System under the Waihan Government: Party Politician, Bureaucrats, and Spoils of Office. Nihon Rekishi. 2004;674 :pp. 52-70.
— Conferences —
1. “A Study of Partilization of Bureaucrat in Modern Japan” at The Japanese Association of Law and Political Science Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan, June 19, 2004(in Japanese).

— Articles —
1. Shimizu Y. Oral History in Japan. Keio-GSEC CRONOS Working Papers [Internet]. 2003;3-4 :pp. 1-11.
2. Shimizu Y. From Spoils System to Merit System: Reform of the Bureaucracy in Japan, 1867-1893. Journal of Law and Political Studies. 2003;59 :pp. 39-67.
3. Shimizu Y. The General Election under the Waihan Government: Hard Cordination of Candidates in Coalition. Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies [Internet]. 2003;18 :pp. 101-112.