2013年度 春学期

System Software / Operating Systems

科目コード: 47010 / 2単位
カテゴリ: 29. クラスター-環境情報系科目(学部)
4. 研究領域科目−環境情報系科目(大学院)
担当: Rodney Van Meter
E-mail: rdv@sfc.keio.ac.jp

第14回 7月16日 OS事例研究
Lecture 14, July 16: Operating Systems Research


Final Projects and Grades!

I will submit my grades on July 31. Any work submitted by 17:00 on July 30 is guaranteed to be graded. Any work after that, will not!

You need to schedule an appointment with me, either face-to-face or via Skype or Polycom, for sometime between tomorrow (July 17) and 17:00 on July 30, to present your final project.

SOSP 2007

The Symposium on Operating Systems Principles is the premiere conference on OS research. Held once every two years in some beautiful location, it's highly competitive and prestigious. Here is a list of the sessions from 2007's SOSP:

There were three best paper awards:

SOSP 2009

Here is a list of the sessions from 2009's SOSP:

There were three best paper awards:

Personally, I am more excited about:

SOSP 2011

Papers are available here. Personally, I think 2011 looks like it was a less exciting, original conference than 2009, though of course the work is of extremely high quality.


What are the basic roles of an operating system?

Vector clocks, from

The Changing World

Any thought about systems today must consider the following facts:

Moving in a straight line is easy, changing directions is hard!

Top fuel drag racer, from

Some Themes

Here are some ideas I consider to be important, looking forward:

How do we

computing systems that we do not fully understand?

Note that I am not condoning any "give up" attitude, or treating a computer as some mystical artifact that cannot be analyzed rigorously and scientifically!!!

Next Lecture

None! We're done!

Followup for this week:

その他 Additional Information