#1-2-1 Import images into the thumbnail window

On PhotoWalker, you work at first in the thumbnail window for rough jobs, and then you set a link between two photos in the edit window.
To begin with, import photos into the thumbnail window. For this operation, from the menu bar, select [Import Image] or [Import Folder] below [Import]. To import only one photo, use [Import Image].

Tips for you

You may import photos in different folders. When you finish importing photos in one folder, repeat importing photos in another folder.
Available file types are as follows: JPEG (extension is jpg or jpeg), GIF (extension is gif), PCT (extension is pct), and TIFF (extension is tiff).
To import special files of PhotoWalker (hpp/hpml), use [File]-[Open], instead of [Import].

#Related pages

Release notes
1-2-5 Save

#Going up

1-2 Thumbnail window

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