
2012.09.07 Friday 00:00
井庭 崇

今年の「複雑系の数理」(COMPLEX SYSTEM THEORY)の授業は、英語での開講となります。主な内容は、非線形科学、創造システム、パターン・ランゲージ、ネットワーク科学です。

授業では、演習やワークショップを多く行います。英語でブレインストーミングやKJ法をやってみたり、パターン・ランゲージを書いたり、それをブラッシュアップするライターズ・ワークショップを英語で挑戦します。また、『The Nature of Order』の回もあります。


(Creative Courses (Skill) - Knowledge Skill)
2012 Fall Tuesday 4th Period: 火曜4限

[ Course Summary ]

In order to understand the complex, dynamic world around us, such as life and society, we must not limit ourselves in a single intelectual field. When we are able to connect different intellectual fields, we reveal insights and ideas that have never been explored before. In this course, you will study how the different fields: (1) nonlinear science, (2) creative systems, (3) pattern languages, and (4) network science is actually related, and hold the key to understand the reality of the world around us. In the classes, there will be many activities to help deeply understand the subjects and topics of the complex, dynamic world. (This course will be offered in English.)

[ Class Schedule ]

#1 - Introduction
The overview and requirements for this course will be provided.

#2 - Nonlinear Science: Chaos
Subject: Chaos, which is amazing phenomenon where irregular behavior is generated from a simple regular rule.
Activity: Simulate chaos with spreadsheet software, such as Excel or Numbers, in you computer.

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<< 授業シラバス「パターンランゲージ」(2012年度秋学期@SFC)
『コラボレーション・パターン』完成! 冊子をORF2012で配布します! >>
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