
2012.09.07 Friday 00:00
井庭 崇

#3 - Nonlinear Science: Fractal
Subject: Fractal, which has an interesting feature of self-similarity at different scales.
Activity: Watch the video concerning fractal geometry, think of examples in the world around us, and discuss the implication.

#4 - Nonlinear Science: Chaotic walk workshop
Subject: Patterns hidden in chaos
Activity: Explore the patterns hidden in chaos with using "ChaoticWalker," which is software for generating patterns on a two-dimensional plane with a chaotic map function.

#5 - Creative Systems: Autopoieis Theory
Subject: Creative process as an autopoietic system, which is the latest systems theory.
Activity: Discuss and write a series of discoveries in a creative process based on the Creative Systems Theory.

#6 - Creative Systems: Brainstorming method
Subject: Divergent thinking in a part of creative process.
Activity: Practice divergent thinking in a brainstorming session.

#7 - Creative Systems: KJ method
Subject: Convergent thinking in a part of creative process.
Activity: Practice convergent thinking in a session with the KJ method.

#8 - Presentation Patterns workshop
Subject: Fundamental idea and applied cases of pattern language, which is a documented wisdom about the rules, methods, tips, and customs of a certain area of expertise.
Activity: Watch the video, and discuss how to make great presentations with using the Presentation Patterns.

#9 - Pattern Language: Pattern writing
Subject: The format of patterns in pattern languages.
Activity: Write a pattern that describes the rules, methods, tips, and customs of a certain area of expertise.

#10 - Pattern Language: Writer's workshop
Subject: The making process of a pattern language.
Activity: Conduct a writer's workshop to improve the patterns you have write.

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