
2012.09.07 Friday 00:00
井庭 崇

#11 - Pattern Language: The Nature of Order
Subject: The latest theory by Christopher Alexander, who proposed the idea of pattern languages.
Activity: Discuss the meaning and implication of the concepts proposed in the book, The Nature of Order.

#12 - Network Science: Small-World & Scale-Free Networks
Subject: Network analysis of how the things connect one another in natural, social, and technological worlds.
Activity: Watch the video concerning the network science, and run network simulations in your computer.

#13 - Final Project Presentation
Give a presentation about your final project.

#14 - Final Project Presentation
Give a presentation about your final project.

[ Materials and Reading List ]

All materials that are required for the class will be handed out in the class.

Recommended Reference

  • Nonlinear Science

  • Creative Systems

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