英文 国際会議
***Best Paper Aword***
1 Ishizaki, S.
Vowel Discrimination by Use of Articulatory Model
The 4th IJCPR 1978, Nos.11 & 12, pp.829-847, 1978.
2 Ishizaki, S.
Dynamic Speech Discrimination Using an Articulatory Model
The 6th IJCAI, 1979.
3 Isahara, H. and Ishizaki, S..
Context Analysis System for Japanese Text
11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp.244-246, 1986.
4 Hasida, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Dependency Propagation: A Unified Theory of Sentence Comprehension and Generation
IJCAI, 1987.
5 Handa, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Learning Importance of Concepts: Construction of Representative Network
3rd AAAI-Sponsored Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop, 1988.
6 Ishizaki, S..
Machine Translation Using Contextual Information
MT SUMMIT, 1989.
7 Handa, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Acquiring Knowledge about A Relation between Concepts
EKAW, 1989.
8 Isahara, H. and Ishizaki, S..
Natural Language Understanding System with Concept Hierarchy
PRICAI '90 Proc of PACIFIC RIM Int., pp.322-327, 1990.
9 Ohno, T., Eng, T.L. and Ishizaki, S..
Finding Optimal Paths in a Public Transportation Network --- A Genetic Algorithms Approach
First Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems(SICIS), 1992.
10 Ishizaki, S..
Multimedia Information Processing, Communication, and their Standard
Keynote Address for teh &th Asian Forum for Standardization of Information Technology (in NEWSSITE No.11 Spring 1994, CICC, pp.4-5), 1993.
11 Herath, S., Herath, A., Ikeda, T. and Ishizaki, S..
Subject Determine Algorithm sfor Sinhalese: A Flexible Word Order Language
Proceedings of Symposium on Natural Language Processing(SNLP'95), pp.237-247, August 1995.
12 Ishizaki, S..
Situation of Cognitive Science in Japan
Proceedings of International Conference for Cognitive Science(ICCS97) Korea, pp.9-13, Aug. 1997.
13 Kaneko, T. and Ishizaki, S..
The multi-modal dialogue corpus
ICCS99, P3-14, pp.1010-1013, 1999.
14 Ando, M. and Ishizaki, S..
Extraction and quantitative expression of noun image using association experiment
ICCS99, P3-05, pp.974-977, 1999.
15 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Quantification of concept space in the concept dictionary
ICCS99, P2-12, pp.748-751, 1999.
16 Ito, E. and Ishizaki, S..
Creative design support system using evolutionary computation
ICCS99, P1-53, pp.657-660, 1999.
17 Imai, Y. and Ishizaki, S..
A graphical method of extracting salient features for understanding metaphors
ICCS99, o1-06, pp.92-97, 1999.
18 Kaneko, T. and Ishizaki,S..
A method for morphological analysis of transcripts from spontaneously spoken dialogue based on inter pausal utterance,
PACLING2001, pp.153-160, Sept. 2001.
19 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Assosiative concept dictionary construction and its comparison with electronic concept dictionaries
PACLING2001, pp.214-220, Sept. 2001.
20 Sakaguchi, T. and Ishizaki, S..
Smile understanding system using associative concept dictionary and pulsed neural network
PACLING2001, pp.229-235, Sept. 2001.
21 Uchiyama, K. and Ishizaki, S..
A study of translation rules for the Japanese compound motion verbs
PACLING2001, pp.284-291, Sept. 2001.
22 Ando, M., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Extraction of Associative Attributes from Nouns and Quantiative Expression of Prototype Concept
LREC2002 in Canary Islands(Spain), pp.962-966, May. 2002.
23 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Important Sentence Extraction for Summarization by Using Associative Concept Dictionary
COCOSDA in Thailand, May 2002.
24 Torihara, S., Hirano, K. and Ishizaki, S..
2D Sound Screen Reader by Text-to-Speech from information-Located Speaker(s) with Speaker-Matrix
CSUN(California State University, Northridge)2002 The 17th Annual Conference on "Technology and Persons with Disabilities". 2002.
25 Sakaguchi, T. and Ishizaki, S.
A Japanese Semantic Network built on a Pulsed Neural Network with encoding Associative Concept Dictionaries
COLING workshop Taiwan, pp.23-29, Oct.2002.
26 Watanabe, N. and Ishizaki, S..
Neural Coding Model Using the Morphoelectrotonic Transform Theory
ESANN2003, pp. 275-280, April 2003.
27 Watanabe, N. and Ishizaki, S..
Binding Problem Simulator Using the Morphoelectrotonic Transform Theory
ICANN/ICONIP 2003, June 2003,
28 Uchiyama, K. and Ishizaki, S..
A Disambiguation Method for Japanese Compound Verbs
ACL-03 Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Analysis, Acquisition and Treatment, pp.81-88, July 2003.
29 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Evaluation of Extraction Method of Important Sentence based on Associative Concept Dictionary with Distance Information between Concepts
PACLING2003, pp.315-323, Aug 2003.
30 Uchiyama, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Semantic Analysis Method for Disambiguation of Japanese Compound Verbs
PACLING2003 Proc, pp.37-44, Aug 2003.
31 Ohara, K.H., Fujii, S., Saito, H., Ishizaki, S., Ohori, T. and Suzuki, R..
The Japanese FrameNet Project: A Preliminary Report
PACLING2003 Proc, pp.249-254, Aug 2003.
32 Seino, K., Yamazaki, S., Asai, H., Shibata, K., Iwasaki, S., Fukuhara, S., Hata, A., Kasai, K., Ishizaki, S..
The relationship between delusional ideation and thought disorder in schizophrenic patients
World Congress of Behavioral and CognitiveTherapies. Kobe.Japan (世界行動療法認知療法会議), 2004.
33 Torihara, S., Ishizaki, S..
Ubiquitous Radio --PDA Based web Page Reader for the Visually Impaired
CSUN(California State University, Northridge) The 19th AnnualConference on. "Technology and Persons with Disabilities", 2004.
34 Watanabe, N. and Ishizaki, S..
Neural Coding Model of Perceptual Reconstruction Using the Morphoelectrotonic Transform Theory
IJCNN2004 Budapest, pp.327-332, July 2004.
35 Ando, M., Sekine, S. and Ishizaki, S..
Automatic Extraction of Hyponyms from Japanese Newspapers Using Lexico-syntactic Patterns
LREC2004, Lisbon, 2004/6.
36 Torihara.S, and Ishizaki, S..
An Adaptive Approach to Annotations on the Internet by Media Transcoder
CSUN(California State University, Northridge) The 20th AnnualConference on. "Technology and Persons with Disabilities", 2005.
37 Ohara, K., Fujii, S., Ohori, T., Suzuki, R., Saito, H., and Ishizaki, S..
The Japanese FrameNet Project: An introduction
Fourth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004),Proceedings of the Satellite WSorlshop Building Lexical Resources from Sematically Annotated Corpora,pp.9-11, May,2004
38 Uchida, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Effect of positions of lines on theperception of the Ebbinghaus angularillusion
Abstracts of EuropeanConf. on Visual Perception(ECVP '05), 2005.
39 Watanabe, N. and Ishizaki, S.
Neural Coding Model of Associative Ontology with Up/Down State and Morphoelectrotonic Transform
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 2005 (ICANN2005), Warsaw, Poland, pp. 873-879, September,2005.
40 Samura, T., Hattori, M. and Ishizaki, S..
Memory modificationin Sequintial Input with Theta phase precession
12th International Conference on Nural Information Processing, Taipei, pp.301-306, Nov.2005.
41 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Contextual Semantic Network Using Associative Concept Dictionary
SNLP 2005 (Chiang Rai, Thailand) , pp.205-210, Dec. 2005.
42 Yoshino, K., Ishizaki, S., and Kato, T..
Oxygen consumption reaction of COE (cerebral functional mapping of oxygen exchange) -Early deoxygenation depending on task in BA10
NeuroImage 33 S1, 578 T-PM, Florence, Italy, June 2006.
43 Torihara, S., Nakamura, M., Ueda, N., Wada, T. and Ishizaki, S..
English "Oblique" Listening System--- Rapid Listening System for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Its Evaluation---
10th International Conference(ICCHP 2006), pp.53-60, Linz, Austria, July, 2006.
44 Uchida, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Effect of Alignment of Lines on Tilt illusion
Abstracts of The 4th Asian Conference on Vision (ACV'06), p152 ,Matue, Japan, July,2006.
45 Watanabe, N. and Ishizaki, S.
Binding Problem Simulator Using Coincidence Detector Model
The Fourth Asian Conference on Vision(ACV2006), Tottori, Japan, July.2006.
4 Seino, K., Yamasaki, S. and Ishizaki, S..
The relationship between delusional ideation and disorder of category formation in schizophrenic patients--The association experiment and Peters et al. Delusions Inventory are used.--‐
International Congress of Psychotherapy in Japan and The Third International Conference of the Asian Federation For Psychotherapy, p.107, Japan, Tokyo, Aug 2006..
47 Watanabe, N. Ishizaki, S.
Neural Network Model for Word Sense Disambiguation using Up/Down State and Morphoelectrotonic Transform:Learning Words Distance with Small-world Structure
Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS/ISIS2006), Tokyo, Japan, ,September,2006.
48 Samura,T., Hattori, M. and Ishizaki, S.
Autoassociative and Heteroassociative Hippocampal CA3 Model Based on Physiological Findings
The Third International Conference on Brain-Inspired Information Technology (BrainIT2006), p.62, Kitakyushu, Japan, Sept.2006.
49 Ohara, K.H., Seiko, F., Toshio, O., Ryoko, S., Hiroaki, S. and Ishizaki, S.
Frame-based Contrastive Lexical Semantics and Japanese FrameNet: The Case of RISK and kakeru
ICCG4. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Construction Grammar, Tokyo, Japan. September, 2006.
50 Samura, T., Hattori, M. and Ishizaki, S..
Sequence Disambiguation by Functionally Divided Hippocampal CA3 Model
13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'06), pp.117-126, Hongkong, China, Oct.,2006.
51 Watanabe, N. and Ishizaki, S..
Neural Network Model for Word Sense Disambiguation using Up/Down State and Morphoelectrotonic Transform
21COE International Symposium on Media Convergence and Social Infrastructure, Dec. 2006.
52 Seino, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Assessment of the conceptual structure that uses association experiments for schizophrenics: Comparing schizophrenic patients with healthy adults who uses the association number of words and between concepts
Meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics, 2007.
53 Seino, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Conceptual structure in thought disordered schizophrenic patients: Assessment by Associative Experiment
Health Psychology in Asia, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
54 Samura, T., Hattori, M. and Ishizaki, S..
Spatial and Temporal Selectivity of Hippocampal CA3 and Its Contribution to Sequence Disambiguation
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'07), Porto, September 9-13, 2007.
55 Samura, T., Hattori, M. and Ishizaki, S..
Autoassociative and heteroassociative hippocampal CA3 model based on location dependencies derived from anatomical and physiological findings
International Congress Series, 1301, pp.140-143, 2007.
56 Shimizu, N., Kato, F., Sekido, R., Hagino, T., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Ontology in Web Applications and Natural Language Processing
ORC Symposium, Mita, Tokyo, February 26, 2008.
57 Uchiyama, K., Aihara, S. and Ishizaki, S..
Identifying Semantic Relations in Japanese Compound Nouns for Patent Documents Analysis
Third International Conference on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources (LKR2008), Tokyo, Japan, March 2008.
58 Okamoto, J., Uchiyama, K. and Ishizaki, S..
A Contextual Dynamic Network Model for WSD Using Associative Concept Dictionary
LREC2008, Morroco, 2008/5.
59 Yoshino, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Kato T. Differences of cerebral oxygen exchange (COE) depending on L1 or L2
14th Meeting of Organization of Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, S123, 373W-AM, Melbourne, Australia, 2008/06, NeuroImage Vol 41, Supplement 1, 2008.
60 Tatsumi, N., Yoshino, K. and Ishizaki, S..
Hemodynamic response observation during typing tasks using NIRS-imaging
S109, 564 T-PM, Melbourne, Australia, 2008/06, NeuroImage Vol 41, Supplement 1, 2008.
61 Oka, N., Yoshino, K., Ishizaki, S. and Kato, T..
Brain activity during voluntary movement and exercise imagery using Near-Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
S109, 564 T-PM, Melbourne, Australia, 2008/06, NeuroImage Vol 41, Supplement 1, 2008.
62 Iwasaki, Y., Shimizu, N., Kato, F., Hagino, T., Okamoto, J., Teraoka, T. and Ishizaki, S..
Tag Analysis, Semantic Web Framework and Noun and Verb Associative Ontology
ORC Symposium, Mita, Tokyo, February 28, 2009.
63 Teraoka, T., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Estimating Elliptical Words with Associative Information from Verbs.
Proceedings of the Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, pp.60-65, 2009 (presented in the Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2009), Sapporo, September 1st-4th, 2009).
64 Khanh, V.
Applying grammatical feature analyses in multilingual compound noun translation.
Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2009), Sapporo, September 1st-4th, 2009.
65 Teraoka, T., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Estimating Elliptical Words with Noun and Verbs Semantic Network -Application of Associative Concept Dictionaries-
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Language (ICPEAL), Beijing, p.49, October, 2009.
66 Nakamura, C., Harada, Y. and Ishizaki, S..
How Japanese-English learners pay attention to prosodic cues to spoken English sentence
3rdELSJ(The English Linguistic Society of Japan) International Spring Forum 2010, Aoyama Gakuin University, April 24, 2010.
67 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Homographic Ideogram Understanding Using Contextual Dynamic Network.
Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), Marta, May 19-21 2010.
68 Tatsumi, N., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Evaluating Semantic Relations and Distances in the Associative Concept Dictionary using NIRS-imaging.
The seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2010), pp.3857-3860, Malta, May 19-21, 2010.
69 Teraoka, T., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
An Associative Concept Dictionary for Verbs and its Application to Elliptical Word Estimation.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2010), pp.3851-3856, Malta, May 19-21, 2010.
70 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Associative Concept Dictionary
The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010), Symposium:Enhancing electronic dictionaries with the help of lexicographers, computer scientists and cognitive psychologists , Beijin, China, Aug.2010.
71 Teraoka, T., Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Detecting Metonymic Expressions with Associative Information from Words.
Proceedings of the Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics(PACLING 2011), Kuala Lunpur,Malaysia, July 18st-22th, 2011.
72 Okamoto, J. and Ishizaki, S..
Important Sentence Extraction Using Contextual Semantic Network.
Proceedings of the Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics(PACLING 2011), Kuala Lunpur, Malaysia, July 18st-22th, 2011.
73 Fujishima, S. and Ishizaki, S..
Automated Detection of Usage Errors in non-native English Writing using One-Class Support Vector Machines
The 13th Industrial Electronics Seminar 2011 (IES 2011), Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS), Indonesia, pp.261-266, October 26, 2011.


Ishizaki Lab