2009年度 秋学期

Computer Architecture

2009年度秋学期 火曜日3時限
科目コード: 35010 / 2単位
担当: Rodney Van Meter
E-mail: rdv@sfc.keio.ac.jp

第5回 10月27日
Lecture 5, October 27: Instruction Sets and the Data Path

Outline of This Lecture

Using the MIPS Simulator

Note: on MacOS, you will need spim 7.2 (or possibly later), available on the web. (Actually, it might not be a bad idea for everyone to use the latest, although I installed 7.0 from the CD in the book.)

You will need vecadd.s, a short MIPS assembly program.

Here are screen shots from spim (Linux), xspim (Linux), PCspim (Windows) and spim (Mac) versions of the tool.

spim execution screenshot (Linux) spim register screenshot (Linux) spim register screenshot in hex (Linux)
xspim screenshot (Linux)
PCspim screenshot (Windows) PCspim screenshot, with
  output console (Windows)
spim screenshot (Mac)

Things to note in the images above, as well as your own execution runs:


This week's homework (submit via email):

  1. Modify vecadd.s to multiply two four-by-four matrices (行列の掛け算). Call it arraymult.s.

Next Lecture

Next week, we will continue with the discussion of processor architecture, getting into the fun stuff: pipelining!

Next lecture:

第6回 11月10日 プロセッサー:パイプラインの基本
Lecture 6, November 10: Processors: Basics of Pipelining

Readings for next time:

Additional Information
