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Presentation time: 25min
Short Presentation time: 15min

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

8:00 9:00 1:00 Preparation Kyoto Terrsa Organization Staffs will set up the the workshop venue.
9:00 10:00 0:15 Opening Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom Welcome and Introduction to this workshop
9:15 10:15 1:00 Keynote 1 (45 + Q&A 15) Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom 1 talk from Prof. Murao of Ritsumeikan University
10:15 11:15 0:15 Coffee Break Kyoto Terrsa
10:30 11:30 0:55 Research Session 1 Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom 3 Presentations
11:25 12:25 0:55 Lunch Time Kyoto Terrsa
12:20 13:20 1:55 Research Session 2 Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom 5 Presentations
14:15 15:15 0:30 Coffee Break Kyoto Terrsa
14:45 15:45 1:55 Research Session 3 Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom 5 Presentations
17:40 0:30 Closing Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom
17:10 18:10 0:50 Break
19:00 2:00 Welcome Reception Miyako Hotel A welcome party for in-person attendees.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

8:30 9:30 1:00 Keynote 2 (45 + Q&A 15) Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom 1 talk from Prof. Jie Liu of Harbin Institute of Technology
9:30 10:30 0:15 Coffee break Kyoto Terrsa
9:45 10:45 1:05 Research Session 4 Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom 3 Presentations
10:50 11:50 0:15 Closing Kyoto Terrsa & Zoom
11:05 12:05 0:55 Lunch Time Kyoto Terrsa
13:00 3:30 Technical Visit Omron Visit to Omron Communication Plaza

Thursday, February 29, 2024

9:00 8:00 Individual Networking Session Negotiated by individual collabration group Networking for each collabration groups

12:30 4:00 Technical Visit NTT Keihanna Optional Tour. Pre-reservation is required and up to 15 attendees. Details will be announced later.

Keynote 1 (Session Chair: Yasue Kishino, NTT)

Speaker: Prof. Kazuya Murao, Ritsumeikan University
Title: Wearable sensing: Security and Applications

In this talk, I will introduce my past and recent research on sensing technology using wearable sensors. Specifically, I will introduce the topic of sensing security that modifies sensor values by external stimuli to the human body, and new sensing methods for estimating human behavior and states.

Kazuya Murao is a Professor at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He received his B.Eng., M.Info.Sci., and Ph.D. degrees from Osaka University in 2006, 2008, and 2010, respectively. From 2011 to 2014, he was an Assistant Professor at Kobe University, Japan. From 2014 to 2017, he was an Assistant Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. From 2017 to 2023, he was an Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. Since 2023, he has been a Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He was a JST PREST Researcher from 2019 to 2023. His research interests are wearable computing, ubiquitous computing, human activity recognition, and Human Computer Interaction. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.

Keynote 2 (Session Chair: Yin Chen, Reitaku University and Keio University)

Speaker: Prof. Jie Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Title: Towards Autonomous, Precision, and Sustainable Farming

In this talk, we look at food security for human society and study how artificial intelligence and IoT can help with improving farm productivity and efficiency. Information from remote sensing, weather forecasting and ground sensors, combined with advanced algorithms, we aim at making intelligent decisions based on real-time data as well as human experiences. We also designed unmanned farm vehicles to reduce farming labor intensity and to improve operation precisions. We will discuss challenges and future roads towards industrializing this old form of economy.

Jie Liu is the Director of National Key Lab on Smart Farming Technologies and Systems in China. He got his PhD at UC Berkely in 2001 and he worked at Xerox PARC and Microsoft for 18 years. He was a Principal Research Manager at Microsoft Research and a partner of the company. His research interests are sensor networks, AI for IoT, and energy efficient computing. He was the Steering Committee Chair for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Week (CPS-IoT Week) and ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN). He received IEEE TCCPS Distinguished Leadership Award and 70Best Paper Awards from top conferences. He is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Distinguished Scientist.

Research Session 1 (Chair: Qun Jin, Waseda University)

  • (11:30) (short)Exploring drivers' embarrassing moments in using automotive navigation (Jinu Choi, Graduate Student, KAIST)
  • (11:45) (short)CRAYON: Exploration on Community-based Relayed Online Education Approach for Rural Children in South Korea EFL Context (Insun Baek, Graduate Student, KAIST)
  • (12:00) Automated Construction of WiFi-based Localization Model Using Crowd-sourced Photos with Wi-Fi Signals (Kazuya Ohara, Researcher, NTT)

Research Session 2 (Chair: JeongGil Ko, Yonsei University)

  • (13:20) Comprehensive Health Data Analysis Based on a Combination of Selected Multiple Features (Ruichen Cong, Graduate Student, Waseda University)
  • (13:45) Symbolic Causal Discovery for Healthcare Data (Deng Ou, , Waseda University)
  • (14:10) Foundations and Applications of a Multi-site Granular Database for Household Waste Generation (Yuanze Zhang, Graduate Student, Keio University)
  • (14:35) Data Integration from Multiple Sources for Geriatric Health Feature Analysis (Yuxi Li, Graduate Student, Waseda University)
  • (15:00) (short)Assessing changes in stress level through competitive gamification of a time management focus technique (Riya Singh, Bachelor Student, Keio University)

Research Session 3 (Chair: Xiaolin Fang, Southeast University)

  • (15:45) Estimating Sampling Rate of Human Activity Data from Accelerometer (Hinase Kawano, Graduate Student, Ritsumeikan University)
  • (16:10) User Authentication Method for Wearable Ring Devices using Active Acoustic Sensing (Shunsuke Iwakiri, Graduate Student, Ritsumeikan University)
  • (16:35) small sample backdoor attacks on GNN (Tianbo zhang, PhD Student, Southeast University)
  • (17:00) The Abuse of AI in Cybersecurity (Yin Minn Pa Pa, Associate Professor, Yokohama National University)
  • (17:25) (short)Stable Localization for Mixed Reality in Mobility Scenario (Daisuke Goto, Bachelor Student, Keio University)

Research Session 4 (Chair: Tadashi Okoshi, Keio University)

  • (10:45) Fast and Accurate Outdoor AR Rendering based on Street View Images (Sungmin Lee, Graduate Student, Yonsei University)
  • (11:10) FLex&Chill: Improving Local Federated Learning Training with Logit Chilling (Kichang Lee, Graduate Student, Yonsei University)
  • (11:35) (short)The Effects of a Large Language Model-based Text-based Conversational System on Loneliness and Isolation for University Students (Tatsumi Uchida, Bachelor Student, Toyo University)