Seminar Syllabus: Iba Lab B (in English), 2020 Spring
Iba Lab B, in English
Future Study on Natural & Creative Society
(Thursday 2nd period, 2020 Spring semester)
Information Session: Jan 15 (2nd period, at o408 lab room)
Entry submission deadline: Jan 19
Interview sessions: Jan 21 or 23
Collecting seeds of visions/ideas of natural & creative living and creating "Future Language" describing them
Our goal in Iba Lab is to support the upcoming “Creative Society” by creating tools to help people live creatively along with the natural world. In Iba Lab B, you will be able to research fascinating examples from around the world of ways of doing and being that connect to the future Creative Society, and by doing so, work towards constructing the future vision of the Creative Society. We will all gather examples of new initiatives, methods, systems, ways of managing, styles of education, ways of working, etc. and collect them into a usable form, putting them into words as a “future language”, and making a card set that shows the possibilities of a Creative Society.
A “Future Language” is made by defining new “words” that represent visions or ideas for the future and collecting these words into a language. With these words, we are able to think of, imagine, and talk about a more richly imaginable future and collaborate towards it. Along with creating these Future Languages, in Iba Lab we will create them into "Future Language Cards" and use them to hold workshops.
Another activity we may do is make one of the walls of our lab a “Future Wall,” where we can project and show many ideas, examples and words. We will build this wall so that just standing in front of it will let you feel more exciting about the thrilling future.
Iba Lab puts an emphasis of a learning style we call “Creative Learning,” in other words, “learning by creating” and “learning through creating.” This is a learning style in which, by taking part in a creative practice where one makes something, one can construct knowledge within themselves while deepening their understanding of things and gaining new ideas. In Iba Lab B, we will deepen our understandings of what kinds of potentials in our society, why future vision is important, and how we can create an useful language for thinking and communication on future.
Our activities will generally be conducted in English, but because we would like to gather examples from around the world, we welcome students of all backgrounds and languages.
We look forward to conducting creative research and activities with you to work towards an exciting and creative future!

Number of Students
The theme for our lab is creativity. We are looking for prospective lab members who are willing to commit creatively to the future!
Class Schedule
Official meeting will be 2nd period on Thursdays.
Members are required to work at collecting information about future seeds outside of class time.

Special Note
With regards to the timing of enrollment, we highly encourage students to join during their early years at SFC (1st years and 2nd years are especially welcome). Joining early will allow students to gain research experience and get more opportunities.
We welcome students to collaborate with members of Iba Lab A (which is run in Japanese) or share existing pattern languages with your home countries (through translations, workshops, etc.).
Join us on opportunities to go on overseas trips to present our research results and hold workshops at international academic conferences.

Screening Schedule
Entry submission deadline: Jan 19
Entry Assignment
After reading through this syllabus thoroughly, please submit the entry assignment described below via email by Jan 19.
Email to: ilab-entry [at] (Please change [at] to @)
Subject: Iba Lab B (2020 Spring) Entry
Please attach your entry assignment in a Word, Pages or PDF file.
Please attach your entry assignment in a Word, Pages or PDF file.
Iba Lab B (2020 Spring) Entry
1. Name, Faculty, Grade, Student ID, e-mail address
2. Profile photo
3. Introduction of yourself (interests, future visions, Circles, activities, any other points to sell)
4. Theme/topics you are interested in.
5. Your native language and your skill level in other languages (including any 2nd, 3rd languages) as well as your Japanese Language level
6. Skills/ things you are good at (graphic design, film editing, programming, music, etc.)
7. Courses by Prof. Iba which you have taken before (if any)
8. Favorite classes you've taken so far (Multiple answers are welcome)
9. Labs (Kenkyukai) you have been a part of (if any)
10. Other Labs (Kenkyukai) you are planning on joining next semester (if any)
Assesment Method
Grading will be based on student’s effort in the projects, as well as in other activities related to the lab.
Materials & Reading List
Future Study
Pattern Languages Iba Lab created and published in English
Pattern Languages Iba Lab created and published in other languages
Related Courses
Iba Lab A: Natural & Creative Living Lab (in Japanese)
ilab-entry [at]
Future Study on Natural & Creative Society
(Thursday 2nd period, 2020 Spring semester)
Information Session: Jan 15 (2nd period, at o408 lab room)
Entry submission deadline: Jan 19
Interview sessions: Jan 21 or 23
Collecting seeds of visions/ideas of natural & creative living and creating "Future Language" describing them
Our goal in Iba Lab is to support the upcoming “Creative Society” by creating tools to help people live creatively along with the natural world. In Iba Lab B, you will be able to research fascinating examples from around the world of ways of doing and being that connect to the future Creative Society, and by doing so, work towards constructing the future vision of the Creative Society. We will all gather examples of new initiatives, methods, systems, ways of managing, styles of education, ways of working, etc. and collect them into a usable form, putting them into words as a “future language”, and making a card set that shows the possibilities of a Creative Society.
A “Future Language” is made by defining new “words” that represent visions or ideas for the future and collecting these words into a language. With these words, we are able to think of, imagine, and talk about a more richly imaginable future and collaborate towards it. Along with creating these Future Languages, in Iba Lab we will create them into "Future Language Cards" and use them to hold workshops.
Another activity we may do is make one of the walls of our lab a “Future Wall,” where we can project and show many ideas, examples and words. We will build this wall so that just standing in front of it will let you feel more exciting about the thrilling future.
Iba Lab puts an emphasis of a learning style we call “Creative Learning,” in other words, “learning by creating” and “learning through creating.” This is a learning style in which, by taking part in a creative practice where one makes something, one can construct knowledge within themselves while deepening their understanding of things and gaining new ideas. In Iba Lab B, we will deepen our understandings of what kinds of potentials in our society, why future vision is important, and how we can create an useful language for thinking and communication on future.
Our activities will generally be conducted in English, but because we would like to gather examples from around the world, we welcome students of all backgrounds and languages.
We look forward to conducting creative research and activities with you to work towards an exciting and creative future!

Number of Students
The theme for our lab is creativity. We are looking for prospective lab members who are willing to commit creatively to the future!
Class Schedule
Official meeting will be 2nd period on Thursdays.
Members are required to work at collecting information about future seeds outside of class time.

Special Note

Screening Schedule
Entry submission deadline: Jan 19
Entry Assignment
After reading through this syllabus thoroughly, please submit the entry assignment described below via email by Jan 19.
Email to: ilab-entry [at] (Please change [at] to @)
Subject: Iba Lab B (2020 Spring) Entry
Please attach your entry assignment in a Word, Pages or PDF file.
Please attach your entry assignment in a Word, Pages or PDF file.
Iba Lab B (2020 Spring) Entry
1. Name, Faculty, Grade, Student ID, e-mail address
2. Profile photo
3. Introduction of yourself (interests, future visions, Circles, activities, any other points to sell)
4. Theme/topics you are interested in.
- An example of Prof. Iba’s interests: lifestyle of artist, creative community, farming, permaculture, living lab, fermentation, choosing in a Forrest, self-built house, education
- An example of a student’s interests: education, linguistics, tefl, music, translation, cooking
5. Your native language and your skill level in other languages (including any 2nd, 3rd languages) as well as your Japanese Language level
6. Skills/ things you are good at (graphic design, film editing, programming, music, etc.)
7. Courses by Prof. Iba which you have taken before (if any)
8. Favorite classes you've taken so far (Multiple answers are welcome)
9. Labs (Kenkyukai) you have been a part of (if any)
10. Other Labs (Kenkyukai) you are planning on joining next semester (if any)
Assesment Method
Grading will be based on student’s effort in the projects, as well as in other activities related to the lab.
Materials & Reading List
- Daniel H. Pink, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, Updated edition, Riverhead Books, 2006
- Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World, Currency, 2012
- Kees van der Heijden, Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation, Wiley, 2005
- Adam Kahane, Transformative Scenario Planning: Working Together to Change the Future, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2012
- John Urry, What is the Future?, Polity, 2016
- Lynda Gratton, Andrew Scott, The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity, Bloomsbury Business, 2017
- Neil Gershenfeld, Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop--from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication, Basic Books, 2005
- Takashi Iba, “Future Language for Collaborative Design,” PUARL Conference 2016, USA, 2016 [Paper PDF]
- Takashi Iba, “Sociological Perspective of the Creative Society” in Matth us P. Zylka, Hauke Fuehres, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, Peter A. Gloor (eds.), Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation (Springer Proceedings in Complexity), Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp.29-428 [Paper (Springer)]
- Takashi Iba & Fumio Kajiwara, translated by Ayaka Yoshikawa, Project Design Patterns: 32 Patterns of Practical Knowledge for Producers, Project Managers, and Those Involved in Launching New Businesses, CreativeShift, 2019
- Takashi Iba & Masafumi Nagai, translated by Konomi Munakata & Aimi Burgoyne, Words for a Dialogue: A Pattern Language for Dissolving Problems Based on the Open Dialogue Approach, CreativeShift, will be published in 2020
- Takashi Iba with Iba Lab, Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Creative Learning, CreativeShift, 2014
- Takashi Iba with Iba Lab, Presentation Patterns: A Pattern Language for Creative Presentations, CreativeShift, 2014
- Takashi Iba with Iba Lab, Collaboration Patterns: A Pattern Language for Creative Collaborations, CreativeShift, 2014
- Takashi Iba & Makoto Okada (eds), Iba Lab., and DFJI (Dementia Friendly Japan Initiative), Words for a Journey: The Art of Being with Dementia, CreativeShift, 2015
- Tomoki Furukawazono & Takashi Iba, Survival Language Project, Survival Language: A Pattern Language for Surviving Earthquakes, CreativeShift, 2015
- Eri Shimomukai & Sumire Nakamura with Takashi Iba, Change Making Patterns: A Pattern Language for Fostering Social Entrepreneurship, CreativeShift, 2015
- Takashi Iba with Iba Lab, Pattern Illustrating Patterns: A Pattern Language for Pattern Illustrating, CreativeShift, 2015
- [Learning Patterns in German] Takashi Iba with Iba Lab, translated by Reinhard Bauer, Petra Szucsich & Martin Sankofi, Learning Patterns: Eine Mustersprache für kreatives Lernen, CreativeShift, 2018
- [Words for a Journey in Traditional Chinese] 編著:井庭崇, 岡田誠, 著:慶應義塾大學井庭研究室、認知障礙症 FRIENDLY JAPAN・INITIATIVE, 旅程的關鍵字:與認知障礙症共存的啟示, 香港三聯書店, 2017
- [Project Design Patterns in Korean] 이바 다카시, 가지와라 후미오, 역자 김영주, 모모세 히로유키, 기획은 패턴이다, 북스톤, 2018
Related Courses
Iba Lab A: Natural & Creative Living Lab (in Japanese)
ilab-entry [at]
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