Iba Lab: How to Entry (2015) for GIGA Students
Here is an information about how to entry into Iba Lab for GIGA students who does not read Japanese book. If you can read Japanese, please see our complete syllabus written in Japanese.
We basically use Japanese in our lab, but we don't want to close our door to GIGA students. Let's think and talk how to collaborate with you.
Creative Media Studio - Change Makers Toward the Creative Society
[Requirement for Reading]
Before sending the entry e-mail, it is required to read the following papers. These papers are selected for students who does not read Japanese book. *
*日本語が読める人は、ぜひとも『パターン・ランゲージ: 創造的な未来をつくるための言語』(井庭 崇 編著, 中埜 博, 江渡 浩一郎, 中西 泰人, 竹中 平蔵, 羽生田 栄一, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2013)の方を読んでください。
You can get the PDF files of the following papers from here.
Takashi Iba, "Using pattern languages as media for mining, analysing, and visualizing experiences", International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering (IJODE), 2014 Vol. 3 No. 3/4, 2014, pp.278-301
Takashi Iba, “Pattern Languages as Media for Creative Dialogue: Functional Analysis of Dialogue Workshops,” Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC) Workshop, Krems, Austria, Nov., 2014
Takashi Iba, “A Journey on the Way to Pattern Writing: Designing the Pattern Writing Sheet,“ Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, IL, USA, Sep., 2014
Takashi Iba, et al., Future Language papers, including "Future Language as a Collaborative Design Method" and other 4 papers.
[How to Entry]
Deadline: Jan. 18th, Sun, 2015
Submitting address: ilab-entry [at] sfc.keio.ac.jp
Set the title as follows: IbaLab2015 Spring Entry
To the mail, please attach the file (PDF or Word format) including the following information.
IbaLab2015 Spring Entry
(1) Your name, faculty, grade, student ID number, login ID, photo of your face*
*Snap shots allowed. We just want to make sure that we remember you from any information session or classes.
(2) Self introduction (please use photos and pictures if needed)
(3) Reason for the entry & your enthusiasm to join Iba Lab
(4) What part of Pattern Language you’re attracted in (please answer based on the papers that was assigned for reading. )
(5) Special skills/what you are good at (graphic design, film editing, foreign language, programming, music, sports, etc.)
(6) Prof. Iba's classes you have taken (if any)
(7) Favorite classes you have taken at SFC
(8) Laboratories the you have joined before at SFC (if any)
(9) Other laboratories you are considering to join next semester (if any)
Based on your submission, we'll have interview session on Jan. 26th and 27th.
Also, attend the presentation day of Iba Lab at SFC on Jan. 31st, Sat, 2015.

We basically use Japanese in our lab, but we don't want to close our door to GIGA students. Let's think and talk how to collaborate with you.
Creative Media Studio - Change Makers Toward the Creative Society
[Requirement for Reading]
Before sending the entry e-mail, it is required to read the following papers. These papers are selected for students who does not read Japanese book. *
*日本語が読める人は、ぜひとも『パターン・ランゲージ: 創造的な未来をつくるための言語』(井庭 崇 編著, 中埜 博, 江渡 浩一郎, 中西 泰人, 竹中 平蔵, 羽生田 栄一, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2013)の方を読んでください。
You can get the PDF files of the following papers from here.
[How to Entry]
Deadline: Jan. 18th, Sun, 2015
Submitting address: ilab-entry [at] sfc.keio.ac.jp
Set the title as follows: IbaLab2015 Spring Entry
To the mail, please attach the file (PDF or Word format) including the following information.
IbaLab2015 Spring Entry
(1) Your name, faculty, grade, student ID number, login ID, photo of your face*
*Snap shots allowed. We just want to make sure that we remember you from any information session or classes.
(2) Self introduction (please use photos and pictures if needed)
(3) Reason for the entry & your enthusiasm to join Iba Lab
(4) What part of Pattern Language you’re attracted in (please answer based on the papers that was assigned for reading. )
(5) Special skills/what you are good at (graphic design, film editing, foreign language, programming, music, sports, etc.)
(6) Prof. Iba's classes you have taken (if any)
(7) Favorite classes you have taken at SFC
(8) Laboratories the you have joined before at SFC (if any)
(9) Other laboratories you are considering to join next semester (if any)
Based on your submission, we'll have interview session on Jan. 26th and 27th.
Also, attend the presentation day of Iba Lab at SFC on Jan. 31st, Sat, 2015.

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