井庭崇のConcept Walk


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2010年度夏季集中 特別研究プロジェクト(井庭 崇)シラバス


特別研究プロジェクト(井庭 崇)シラバス
「Creative Systems Lab(特別編):『学習パターン』英語版の制作」

■ 実施期間

■ 参加エントリー

■ 目的・内容
本特別研究プロジェクトでは、全体性をうまく取り込んだ問題解決/デザインのコツを記述するための「パターン・ランゲージ」の方法論と思想を踏まえ、実際にひとつのパターン・ランゲージの記述に取り組みます。今回制作するのは、「SFCらしい学びのデザイン」を支援するためのパターン・ランゲージである「学習パターン」(Learning Patterns)英語版です。この英語版制作では、日本語版を単に英訳するというレベルではなく、自然な言葉や言い回し、共感を生みやすい書き方になるような意訳が必要となります。また、パターン・ランゲージとしての記述のクオリティを上げるため、建築や組織論における先行事例を読み込み、その記述を参考にしながら制作していきます。

■ 履修条件
1. 英語である程度の読み書きができること。
2. 事前課題(あらかじめ文献を読んで内容をまとめるというもの。詳細はエントリー者にお伝えします)を9月上旬の指定期日までに提出すること。


■ 予定受け入れ人数

■ 参加エントリー
履修希望者は、7月19日(月)までに、以下の情報をメールで担当教員 井庭 崇(iba [atmark] sfc.keio.ac.jp)宛に送ってください。秋学期の井庭研にもエントリーする人は、それぞれのエントリーを別メールで提出してください。大学院生など正規履修できない場合でも、その旨を明記し、同様にエントリーしてください。

1. 名前(+ふりがな)
2. メールアドレス
3. 学部・学年
4. 英語力のレベルについて
5. 自己紹介


■ 重要参考文献
  • 『Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Active Learners at SFC 2009』(学習パターンプロジェクト, 慶應義塾大学総合政策学部・環境情報学学部, 2009)※ http://learningpatterns.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ よりPDFをダウンロードできる。
  • 「自生的秩序の形成のための《メディア》デザイン──パターン・ランゲージは何をどのように支援するのか?」(井庭 崇, 『10+1 web site』, 2009年9月号)
  • "Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Active Learners" (Takashi Iba, et. al., 16th PLoP, 2009)
  • "Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Creative Learners II" (Takashi Iba and Toko Miyake, 1st Asian PLoP, 2010)

  • A Pattern Language: Town Building, Consruction (C. Alexander, et. al., Oxford University Press, 1977)
  • Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas (Mary Lynn Manns, Linda Rising, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005)
  • "Pools of Insight: A Pattern Language for Study Groups" (Joshua Kerievsky, Version: 0.9, Updated: July 1, 1999)

  • The Timeless Way of Building (C. Alexander, Oxford University Press, 1979)
  • 『パターン、Wiki、XP :時を超えた創造の原則』(江渡 浩一郎, 技術評論社, 2009)
  • 「コミュニケーションの連鎖による創造とパターン・ランゲージ」(井庭 崇, 社会・経済システム, 2007)
  • The Patterns Handbook: Techniques, Strategies, and Applications (Linda Rising (ed), Cambridge University Press, 1998)

    ■ 問い合わせ/連絡先
    iba [atmark] sfc.keio.ac.jp

    Summer Project
  • 井庭研だより | - | -

    The Syllabus for the Seminar of Iba Lab (fall, 2010)

    Here we show the information about our research themes and how to apply to Iba Lab, fall semester, 2010.

    The syllabus for the seminar (Prof. T. Iba: Fall Semester, 2010)
    "Creative Systems Lab: Pattern Languages, Dynamic Network Analysis, and Orality Learning"
    (Type A: 5th period, on Tuesday & Thursday)

    Important Dates
    Orientation for applicants: 5th period in July 8, 2010 (at e12) & 5th period in July 13, 2010 (at k12).
    Application Deadline: July 19 (Mon.), 2010
    Interview: July 26 & 27, 2010

    Our mission is to create new methods and tools for the future society, based on the latest systems theories and academic methodologies. Note that the systems theories are meant here to "complex systems" and "autopoiesis," and the methodologies are network analysis, pattern languages, and modeling simulations.

    We are conducting three research projects in the fall semester as follows.

    1. "Creative Media" Project
    2. "Mapping the Dynamics" Project
    3. "The Way of Generative Communication" Project

    Applicants will participate in one of these projects, or launch their own project related to our research theme.

    1. "Creative Media" Project
    ("Creation" * Pattern Languages -> Media Design)
    This project explores new methods and tools for supporting "creation" with pattern languages.

    2. "Mapping the Dynamics" Project
    ("Space-Time" * Network Analysis -> Visualization)
    This project explores new methods and tools for understanding the dynamic changing systems with using network analysis.

    3. "The Way of Generative Communication" Project
    ("Generation" * Pattern Analysis -> Orality)
    This project explores new methods and tools for learning a foregin language in terms of "orality" rather than "literacy."

    - Key References
  • Orality and Literacy (Walter J. Ong, Routledge, 1988)
  • The Nature of Order, Book 1: The Phenomenon of Life (C. Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure, 2001)
  • The Nature of Order, Book 2: The Process of Creating Life (C. Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure, 2003)

    - Related Books
  • Social Systems (N. Luhmann, Stanford University Press, 1984)
  • The Timeless Way of Building (C. Alexander, Oxford University Press, 1979)
  • A Pattern Language: Town Building, Consruction (C. Alexander, et. al., Oxford University Press, 1977)
  • The Tacit Dimension (M. Polanyi, Reissue ed., University Of Chicago Press, 2009)
  • Maps of The Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer (P. Turchi, Trinity University Press)
  • Three Roads to Quantum Gravity (L. Smolin, Basic Books,2001)
  • Networks: An Introduction (M.E.J. Newman, Oxford University Press, 2010)
  • The Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races in The Struggle for Life (C. Darwin, The Modern Library, 2009)
  • The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals A Universe without Design (R. Dawkins, W.W.Norton & Company, 1987)
  • Reinventing The Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion (S. A. Kauffman,2008)
  • Ubiquity: Why Catastrophes Happen (Mark Buchanan, Three Rivers Press, 2001)

    - Articles and Books by Iba Lab.
  • "An Autopoietic Systems Theory for Creativity" (Takashi Iba, COINs, 2010)
  • "Analyzing the Creative Editing Behavior of Wikipedia Editors: Through Dynamic Social Network Analysis" (Takashi Iba, Keiichi Nemoto, Bernd Peters & Peter A. Gloor, COINs, 2010)
  • Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Active Learners" (Takashi Iba, et. al., 16th PLoP, 2009)
  • Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Creative Learners II" (Takashi Iba and Toko Miyake, 1st Asian PLoP, 2010)

    Seminar meetings are held twice a week: Thuesday 5th period is for discussion on key references and Thursday 5th period is for project review.

    Grading will be based on seminar participation, contribution to the project activity, and the research results.

    Other information
    1. Be with active and collaborative mind.
    2. Enjoy reading, writing, talking in English.
    3. Required to buy the key references, for reading them with marking.
    4. Do not assign something doing just after the seminars. Sometimes the meeting takes many hours, and often we go out drinking together.
    5. Take courses provided by the advisor, Prof. Iba, on the fall semester, 2010: "Pattern Languages" and "Complex Systems."
    6. We sometimes invite you to our other academic research projects related to our seminar's theme.

    We will accept approximately 15 students.

    Requirements for application
    1. Enthusiasm for the research project.
    2. Intelligence for thinking deeply on your own.
    3. Basic literacy in English.

    How to apply
    Send the following information to the advisor, iba [atmark] sfc.keio.ac.jp (Prof. Takashi Iba), by e-mail, by July 19th, 2010. We accept the application written in either English or Japanese. Any participants, including auditors, need to register and require the permission of the advisor.

    1. Name
    2. E-mail address
    3. Affiliation (faculty); year (1-year / 2-year / 3-year / 4-year / M1 / M2 ...)
    4. Seminars in which you've participated so far and will participate on the fall semester, 2010
    5. Taken Courses provided by the advisor, Prof. Takashi Iba.
    6. Acquired Skills (language, programming, visual processing, and so on.)
    7. Why you want to join in Iba Lab?
    8. Which project do you want to participate? And why? (Otherwise, explain your own project.)
    9. What will be your contribution to Iba Lab?
    10. Self-introduction and appeal

    Related Project
    "Inter-reality" project, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
    "Life Knowledge in Practice" project, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University

    Related Courses
    30080: Social Systems Theory
    14310: Complex Systems
    12020: Pattern Languages
    14160: Simulation Design

    Home Page

    Bio - Prof. Takashi Iba

    iba [atmark] sfc.keio.ac.jp
  • 井庭研だより | - | -